Liver Donation Experiences

  • Caron’s living liver donation to her father.
  • Lyn’s liver donation to a toddler.
  • Pauline’s living liver donation at Mt. Sinai.
  • Ann’s story of donating to a child.
  • Pamela’s story of donating to her sister.
  • Sherry’s big adventure—this page is in a nonstandard format and may not be readible by all browsers. I’ve posted her story, which is primarily a series of emails, exactly as she sent it. Consider it web vérité.
  • Danielle’s story and request for prayers.
  • Kathryn’s story of donating to a friend.
  • Tammy: living liver donor to her son.
  • John donates to his wife, Christine
  • Jeremy donates to his dad.
  • Naeem, living liver donor to his uncle.
  • Tom shares his experience of donating to his babysitter’s son.
  • Geetha’s donation to her husband.
  • Jack’s and Jon’s story.
  • What would you do for a brother?
  • Our journey to and through transplant