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Hematoma After Kidney Donation


Hi there,

I'm new around here, and I wanted to see if anyone else had had this happen. I donated a kidney to my friend 5 weeks ago. Everything has gone so smoothly; so much so I wish I had more kidneys to donate. For a few weeks now I have thought I had a seroma between two of the laparoscopic incisions, so today I went down to the transplant center. They said it seemed to be a hematoma under the muscle. To keep watch & call if it gets larger or more bothersome. Then I would need a CT scan. It's about the size of an avocado, and as the day progresses it seems it be more noticeable, bother me more. Anyone else dealt with this?


Fr Pat:
     I did not have this, but I donated by the large open cut (14 years ago). You might want to post your question also at the FaceBook page of Living Donors on Line, as more people check in there these days rather than here. Some even post pictures of their problem scars, etc. to see if others have had similar problems.
   best wishes,
     Fr. Pat

I had a laparoscopic nephrectomy and I didn't get that. I mean there was swelling where the big incision was between the abs but it was a generalized swelling, not a round thing. I also had bruising that was faintly visible through the skin but it was flat. I looked a couple of months pregnant. If it's getting larger fast, even if it's just a hematoma, it sounds like something that should get looked at. At the five weeks mark for me, all the swelling was going down, not getting worse.

Hi Stephanie, what treatment did you undergo for your Hematoma? I think I might have the same thing although I have not been to see a doctor yet - a big lump under my skin after surgery, not painful but very obvious? Did it resolve itself or need intervention?
Thanks so much

This happened to me.. but it was on the incision not the laparoscopy holes.   They first tried to aspirate the hematoma but it was hard and causing my belly to be asymmetrical.  Had to have another surgery to remove the hematoma.  A year later I am still asymmetrical.


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