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I have a painful back problem that has not responded to various therapies.  My doctor would like me to have a myelogram which puts dye into your spinal area.  He knows my concern about the one kidney.  I've asked my nephrologist what he thinks.  I suspect he will not be in favor of it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? 

Fr Pat:
I have never faced that decision (as yet), but from what I have read they can take extra precautions regarding type and dosage of dye, flushing it out quicker, etc. if they know you have only one kidney. But make sure everybody, the technician or nurse who adaministers the dye KNOWS. But definitely do check with your nephrologist first.
    Fr. Pat

Hi Pastor Jeff,

I've had to have a number of contrast studies due to my severe ulcerative colitis.  You should be fine, but do drink a lot of water for two days to help clear the contrast.   Sometimes they use a bit less contrast. 


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