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Getting the word out

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Thank you for all the kind words and excellent advice!  Love this forum - best group of people ever!

I would do a caringbridge page and link it to your FB. 

You will have people try to question your donation.  It is only normal.  The caringbridge will put a face and a reason behind your donation. 

Hi Julie,

If you want, please read the two blog posts I have included here, that share my experience on this topic. Maybe this will help a little?

Good luck!!

Angela Stimpson
Non-directed kidney donor 09.22.10

Thanks for all the great suggestions!  Caringbridge looks like a great idea to start up as we approach surgery.

Angela - I read a lot of your blog; your writing is a joy to read and it brings comfort as a soon to be donor to read your stories...thank you for sharing!


Hi Julie!

I donated to my husband so our families were well aware of his need for a kidney and that I was donating. We each also told our co-workers about a month before the surgery, as they needed to know we would be gone for a while. As far as telling a lot of others, I only told people on an as needed basis. Because there are so many uncertainties right up until the surgery, I didn't want a lot of people to know. My worst fear was that something would go wrong (one of us would get sick, the anitbody match could change, etc) and the surgery would not happen. I did not want a bunch of people unknowingly asking me how the surgery went if for some reason it didn't happen. Once it was over, I was much more relaxed and very happy to tell others about it. I work in a fairly large place, and I when I told my team what was going on (they had no idea that my husband even had a kidney disease until I told them I was donating to him) I also asked my team to kind of keep it under wraps until I got back for the reasons I mentioned. I did find that when I came back, some people from other departments that were aware I was out, but didn't know why, came to see me. I think some of them thought that maybe there was something wrong with me or that I was ill. I felt bad about this, and explained to them why I was gone. I then used these times as an opportunity to teach and educate others. I was able to tell them about my experience and they could see I was totally fine. I told them that I would do this all over again if given the opportunity. I would not change a thing. This is just my "two cents". I hope it helps.



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