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Living Donation Discussion and News => Living Donation Forum => Topic started by: JenMax on February 20, 2011, 01:42:05 PM

Title: 1 week post donation - Kidney
Post by: JenMax on February 20, 2011, 01:42:05 PM
Our original surgery date was scheduled for November 23rd but was postponed due to a health issue with the receipient.  So, the new surgery date was Feb 15th.  I wasn't nervous at all having read a lot of people's experiences here and talking to my coworker who had donated her kidney two years ago.

The day of the surgery went really well.  Immediately post-surgery there was pain but it was manageable via the meds they were giving me.  My bowels are still a bit sluggish but I'm walking as much as possible to keep them moving too.  Yesterday was the first day I took no pain meds, except at night to help me sleep.  My incision site is still pretty sore but not red or odd so I'm thinking that's normal.  The lap sites are mostly just itchy.  The gas seems to be gone for the most part. 

I have some lower back pain that feels muscular.  I'm assuming it's due to having someone rummage around in there plus more inactivity than my body is used to (very active normally). 

Any tips for the lower back pain?
Title: Re: 1 week post donation - Kidney
Post by: Orchidlady on February 20, 2011, 04:37:22 PM
Congratulations Jen! Glad you are doing well. The walking, lots of water, and plenty of fruits and veggies help get the bowels back in order.

I, as well, had lower back problems - particularly if I was up too long. Walking does help, as inactivity will weaken those muscles. Also,  I finally realized that a lot of my problem was the fact that I wasn't walking normal. I had kind of a "hunched" walk brought non not only by the discomfort, but a natural reflex to protect the area. I found a couple of things helped. First, we were supposed to be taking walks every day. Both my husband and I found that if we used a cane or a walking stick for some support, it kept that pressure off the lower back when walking. I also tried to make a distinct effort to watch my posture and stand up as erect as possible. Both seemed to help, and it wasn't long before my brain was re trained to stand straight and not worry so much about the incision area.
Title: Re: 1 week post donation - Kidney
Post by: Fr Pat on February 20, 2011, 07:23:56 PM
Dear Jen,
     Congratulations to you both! Great!
     Another possible cause of back pain after donation surgery is that sometimes they put the donor's body in an odd configuration to get at the kidney better, and staying that way during surgery can put an unusual strain on some muscles. Lots of gentle stratching/bending exercises may help.
       Fr. Pat
Title: Re: 1 week post donation - Kidney
Post by: Eldonna Edwards on February 21, 2011, 03:40:10 PM
Congrats on your donation!

I found that Milk of Mag was best for helping the bowels so long as you drink lots of water to prevent dehydration.  I'm still having trouble 2 months out and will use it if I don't move after 3 days.

For back pain, find a certified massage therapist who will give you a "side-lying" massage treatment since it's probably too soon to lie prone. Prenatal massage therapists are used to working with the client on her side so another option might be to see if there's an MT who specializes in prenatal in your area. If you lived near me, I would offer!
Title: Re: 1 week post donation - Kidney
Post by: ohtobeahayes on February 21, 2011, 03:59:53 PM
Congratulations on your donation!!!!!!

I love Milk of Mag too. If you drink enough, your poo will actually smell minty. I don't recommend that though.  I found that out after a different surgery. :)

My lower back was a bit sore too, but I'm sure it was from everything that everyone itself, being more inactive and therefore in a position I'm not usually in that often (reclined or whatevs), and you probably are walking a little differently right now...tenderly maybe?

I noticed that when I cleaned my house for the first time after surgery (I cannot remember how many weeks I was...3? Can't remember), I felt it in my back first. It sounds fairly normal to experience this.

I'm so happy that you are doing well over all. Remember to take it easy on yourself. I did find myself terribly impatient that the healing wasn't happening "faster" (and I was back to work in the office by week 3. So silly of me!)  Our bodies are awesome!!!!  Congrats again!
Title: Make sure you
Post by: Phil in Chicago on February 22, 2011, 07:10:43 AM
take those stool softeners. They are NOT addictive, and will help tremendously.
Title: Re: 1 week post donation - Kidney
Post by: JenMax on February 23, 2011, 03:06:49 PM
Thanks folks for the advice.  The movement has started so that's a good thing. 

I've definitely been stepping up the walking, about 1 - 3 miles a day depending on the day and how I'm feeling.  I've still got some occasional nausea but I think that's just due to managing what/when I eat.

Now that I've gotten to feeling better, I've pinpointed that the back pain seems to be localized where my kidney used to be.  I go to see the surgeon on Friday so I'll see if that's to be expected.  I haven't taken pain meds since Sunday since the pain is more of a dull ache. 

The exciting news is that the creatinine numbers for the receipient came back at .93!!!!  He went home Sunday afternoon and is doing great.  I am so happy that it has turned out well for him.