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I made a dumb decision.....

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Hi there.  Made a dumb decision tonight...I donated two weeks ago today and tonight in my impatience and stupidity I lifted and moved something across my house (small house but still.....) that probably weighed 15-20 lbs.  I know I'm not supposed to lift anything over 10 lbs for 6 weeks. I don't know why I didn't wait until a friend arrived to help me but I didn't.  I feel a bit sore (mainly an ache in my right groin/hip area), but I had a busy day (my follow up docs appt and my mom took me grocery shopping) so am not sure the soreness has to do with lifting.

What I'm curious about is what lifting too much can do...I think cause a hernia but is there something else?  Did any of you do this too?  What should my concerns be, what should I look for, etc?  I don't feel terrible like I pulled something and would call the doctor if I did, but I'm paranoid and feeling quite guilty about my impatience and the possibility I could hurt myself of cause a complication in my recovery.

Thanks for listening.....please don't judge....I am coming with my tail between my legs and won't disobey again.    :-[

Don't be so hard on yourself - it is very easy to go over the restriction and not realize what you are doing. Even a gallon of milk weighs in at 8 pounds.....  The main risk in violating the weight restriction is a hernia, but you also risk ripping open the incision both interior and exterior. My surgeon had quite a memorable way of putting it - he said I could follow the weight restrictions or do what I wanted. It would just mean a hernia which meant more surgery. My comment was No thank you! One surgery is enough!
Keep an eye on yourself and how you feel. Don't hesitate to call the center if anything doesn't feel right. Fingers crossed that this was just a fluke and everything is okay for you.

I agree.  I have 4 kids and although I tried to not lift anything, when my then 3 year old would get hurt and it was just me home and I had to get him on the counter so I could get a look...well, I put him on the counter, you know?
Maybe today you can lay extra low and just have a good rest since yesterday was sooooo busy for you? Take care of you!

No dumb decisions. Hey, this donation thing is not as easy as it seems and can be a little frustrating. Rest today, don't overdo it and maybe invite a friend over to hang out so if you do need something someone is with you. You have your PCP just in case so don't worry.

BTW, I love reading your post donation posts now. You are passing it forward. Nice being able to be on the other side.


Thanks ladies!  You made me feel better.  Today is a day to rest and relax.  And I've learned my lesson-no more moving stuff across the house!

Hope you all have a great day.


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