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Lower abdominal pain?


I am three weeks post op.  My lower abdomen hurts, specially when I urinate.  Anyone else have the same experience?  I thought it could just be from using that part of my stomach to get up out of a seat or bed but now I'm worried.  My post op is Wednesday...thanks for listening.

I had real bad stomach pain for a couple weeks post surgery. It felt like a bad case of food poisoning. I called my surgeon and he told me to stop taking the percoset (sp?) and try Tylenol for pain.  After a couple days, that pain went away.

I have a bit of that at two weeks post op.  It starts at the belly button where they had the main instrument and radiates down to the bladder where the doctor cut the ureter from my bladder.  I had a total laparoscopic procedure with no hand assist.  I am sure I have a few stitches in the bladder that are starting to heal and dissolve.

My husband had a bladder stone removed from his first transplant.  The bladder is a very tricky devil to heal.  The ache tends to linger for a bit.

Is it a pain, or heaviness you feel? My abdomen was sore, but I can't say that it was ever associated striclty with urinating. You may want to double check to be sure you haven't got a urinary tract infection. Wishing you the best and hope you are back to normal soon. Let us know how your post op visit goes.

My coordinator and surgeon insisted that I go to the doctor today even though I have an appointment tomorrow for a two week post op with my local doctor. 


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