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Post donation blues

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Did a quick search so I am not sure if this has been discussed before but I am 4 weeks post donation and I never thought I would feel so down and mentally lethargic at this time after having gone through this. I would not say depressed but "blue" not excited about anything just blah. Did any other donors go through this, or is it just me? It's like I need a kick start or something. Hopefully it passes soon.

Hey upnover, I am also 4 weeks and 1 day post op since I donated my kidney.  I understand what you are trying to say and if I can relate in anyway, my energy level is still extremely low.  My heart is screaming from excitement from this awesome journey that I have been on but my body is lagging...  From what I have been told this too shall pass.  The best thing that has helped me is to make sure I get out and walk and get some fresh air.  Trust me, once I am finished with my walk, all I can think about is getting a shower and putting my pajamas back on.  For me personally, I just keep thanking the Lord for All things, even this fatigue that I am having.  If anything, like I said above I am taking time to smell the Roses and appreciate my health even more than I did before donation.  I keep thinking about how the Lord blessed me in so many ways and I was able to give back to my friend's father so he can live again.  I will be praying for you and I to regain our strength back in every way possible.....   Twinkie/Lisa

Hi upnover-
I totally get it.  I am 3 weeks and 4 days post op and I get blue at times.  I think it comes from being so tired so quickly some days.  Lisa is right, taking a walk really does help a bunch.  I hope that within the next three weeks my energy levels gets better, at least that's when the doctor said I can get back into yoga.  I hope you feel've done an amazing thing!  You are a beautiful person.


Hi Upnover,

I am 4 weeks post-op today and I totally get how you feel.  I thought it was just me feeling kind of down.  It is weird to explain how it feels.... I feel too good to do nothing BUT not well enough to do anything ( I am not in pain anymore, but I do get tired easily).  I totally agree that taking a long walk helps.  My 9 year old son goes on a long walk with me and he makes me feel way better. Once we get back I feel better.  I still don't feel well enough to run which is what my body misses.  :-\  On the other hand, it gives me a total boost to see my husband doing so well.  He is back to normal and full of energy (too much energy!  :D )

Hang in there and remember what a great experience this has been.   


I hope all of you are seeing rapid increment improvement in every way, including less and less blue, blah moments.  If they're interfering with your recovery or any life activities your state of recovery otherwise permits, please, please, contact your primary care physician and ask to be evaluated for possible depression.  It is a real risk for us, and prompt treatment may save you a lot of grief.  Best wishes to you all.


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