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2 weeks post donation

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Just thought I would drop a note regarding my recovery to date. Had the surgery 2 weeks ago and I feel about 94% healthy. I actually went back to work yesterday because sitting around at home wasnt working for me. Keep in mind I am not a ditch digger so being in the office is perfect for passing the time. I dont feel tired just a bit of pulling at the incision. I even wear my sweat pants to work because my jeans still dont fit well. I asked the surgeon to do a bit of lipo on my spare tire when he was down there but he said that was another specialty!
I dont know if others have felt this good but I am amazed how it is progressing. No more Tylenol or prune juice either. Still waiting or the steri-strips to fall off but I guess they will in time.

Bye for now

Hi Upnover!

Thank you so much for the update. That is such great news to hear that you are doing so well! I too mentioned to my surgeon to feel free to take out any extra fat that was there. He put a kabosh on that one for me too! (can't blame a girl for trying! ;)

I think it sounds like you are doing remarkably well. Just be sure not to overdo it. Allow yourself rest/naps if you get tired. Your body is still healing/recovering from the surgery.

I am really glad to hear that you are doing so well! :)


You are doing great and you are already back at work too!  You are amazing!  I pray that your recipient is doing great too!  Lot's of hugs!!!!!

I donated on June 9th and was released from the hospital on June 11th.   I had a problem with my incision draining blood in one area and still to this day, it is still draining but now it is a clear yellowish fluid.  I have so much pain in that one spot on my incision that it will cause me to double over.  I am not sure if that is normal or not.  The incision is right above my navel about 4 inches and by the end of the afternoon, it swells and becomes so painful.  If I eat food, it will swell, I just pray that this is normal and will go down over time.  I would feel great if it wasn't for the incision swelling and hurts to eat.  I am so excited that my recipient is doing great and my kidney bean is doing exactly what it should be doing.  I would so do this all over again.. I know that my pain will pass and the joy that I see on my recipients face and his family is priceless.

Hugs to you!!  Twinkie/Lisa

Hey Twinkle!  Did you talk to your surgical team about your main incision becoming swollen and draining yellowish fluid?  I only ask because the same thing happened to me, I had to see the doctors to have it taken care of, but it turned out to be no big deal at all.  It was an infection, and a seroma.  The doctors just poked a hole in the incision to allow it to drain, and had me changing the dressing on it several times a day.  It's perfectly fine now, but it was something that I had to have addressed.  Just want to make sure you're talking to your surgical team about these things so they can take really good care of you!!! :)


Again upandover, you are in my prayers and so happy for you!  You inspire me that my little issue will pass as this is only temporary.

Thank you Sarah for your reply.  Last week I went back in for the surgeon to look at my incision and he said that it was definitely swollen but because I was only 6 days out that he couldn't really tell.  He is having me come back in Friday and if the swelling has not gone down, he will do a CT scan.  I have been really hoping that the swelling and pain would go away but so far, it hasn't.  I am staying positive and hope to get good news on Friday.. I will keep you updated, other than this issue, it has been such a wonderful experience for me and to see my Recipient, Daddy Chuck, have so much energy, it does my heart good! 

I am so happy to see that you are doing so great and your sister.  You are truly an Angel, Sarah..  Hugs, Twinkie/Lisa


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