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My husband is a moderate drug user and plans to donate to his brother.

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Although cocaine is metabolized through the liver, it is well documented to cause kidney damage including rhabdomyolysis (sudden, catastrophic kidney failure), renal infarction, and accelerated hypertension.  Your husband may be tolerating his drug use now because he has two kidneys to absorb the load. It is incredibly generous of him to be willing to donate, but he absolutely cannot afford to give up one of his kidneys.  In addition to that, he has increased risk of surgical complications.  He should not be having any elective surgery and needs to be very cautious with necessary procedures.

Good luck,
Brenda (donated 5/17/2011)

Big Bro:
Time to wake up.......sorry. Your worried about your husband donating? You should be worried about him using crack! One kidney or two does not matter to a drug addict. You need to be reporting this to more than the transplant center, you need to put your children first.
Sorry to be so harsh but you have to stop being an enabler.

I can understand when someone falls in situation like this. Hope all did well. Cases related to kidney donation or body’s other part become a big concern to family members when donator is a drug addict. I think in this case person should consult Virginia opiate addiction treatment center before going through all procedure.

Dear Worried Wife,

I'm sure you knew that the community would rally to support you in this situation and I agree that this is another attention grabber for your husband to look like the hero. We are here for you, and hopefully you will take our advice. There will come a time during the approval process when the social worker will interview you independently to get your buy-in for your husband to donate. This affects the whole family not just the donor. At that time, you should speak up. The center will cover you and state that there is some other reason for him to be denied. They do screen for all drugs, opiates, etc, because people lie. Ask Dr. House. Most likely they will catch it on their own.

Do not go along with this- compromised kidneys do not help the recipient, it could expose them to more health issues than they had originally.

Be strong and get help for yourself as well! Good Luck


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