Living Donors Online Message Board

Living Donation Discussion and News => Living Donation Forum => Topic started by: busymom9501 on June 19, 2012, 03:16:08 PM

Title: We havea new date!
Post by: busymom9501 on June 19, 2012, 03:16:08 PM
So, after our transplant center here in Wichita shut down due to recent recipient deaths, my recipient and I went down to Integris Baptist in OKC.  They were amazing and sympathetic and were able to schedule us for July 23rd. So excited and hope this finally goes through!

We found out today that one of the surgeons at the Wichita hospital has decided to retire and the other has left the program. Very interesting news but am so fortunate that we have found the people in OkC!
Title: Re: We havea new date!
Post by: SWB on June 19, 2012, 09:22:35 PM
Congrats!  I am glad that it appears to be working out for you.  Please let us know how everything progresses.  I know you are excited.  I am trying to remain calm and hopeful as our date is coming up next week (6/29) at UAB. 

Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  I told folks that I will believe that it is a final surgery date when they start wheeling me back.  I have heard of several stories of delays (like yours) and I know you have been through a lot - please post updates as the journey continues.

Title: Re: We havea new date!
Post by: elephant on June 20, 2012, 07:57:26 AM
Dear mom,
How nice you were able to get back on track quickly. Now you've got time to prepare for your recovery period in advance:  pay your bills, wrap up open projects, take especially good care or yourself.  I stashed a couple of casseroles in the freezer, which I appreciated later when I was too tired to cook.  Keep us updated.

Dear Scott,

Surgery day is certainly a big adventure!  I wasn't wheeled - actually walked into the operating room and lay down on the table.  Guess they wanted to give me a last chance to run away.

Love, elephant