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new and thinking about donation o+


hello everyone,

since my stepdaughter got a brain tumor and we saved her life so far, i became a regular blood donor. now im thinking to donate a kidney to save anothers persons life.

but im not sure if im to old to donate or to far away. im 47 and live in germany and the philippines.

any tips and infos would be appreciated.

kind regards

Fr Pat:
Dear Michael,
      With regard to age, I donated a kidney at age 56. Some hospitals have age 60 as a cut-off age for kidney donation, other hospitals are more flexible. In any case your good health condition is essential.
     Many countries in Europe have been changing their laws to make kidney donations from strangers easier. I don't know the situation in Germany, but it would be worth investigating there so you would not have to travel and might have better follow-up care and testing after donation.
     best wishes,
         Fr. Pat

Hey Michael,   

I'm 51 and donated a Kidney last October (2010) just prior to turning 51.  I don't think age as much as health is the issue.  Beginning in March of 2010, I began working out and lost about 60 pounds by September through working out and eating right.  I felt great, but still needed to pass the battery of tests to prove I was healthy enough to donate. 

Since donating, I continue to work out, eat right, get yearly physicals and so on.  I think it's great you've come to a point in your life where you want to give to someone else in such a selfless way - I encourage you to do so and I hope it works out for you (and your potential recipient)   God Bless you for considering it.  Good luck!


Eldonna Edwards:
 I donated at 51. Like Fr. Pat said, it's more an issue of good health than young age.  Good luck! (And Kudos, Scott, for working so hard to get healthy and stay healthy!)


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