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Naming my kidney :)

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My recipient named his new kidney I get to give him April11th. He named named her "Faith",because by faith we are believing this is teh lady kidney he will ever need :) any of you or your love ones name your kidney ?

blah I wish people had responded.  It might sound weird but I am donating my kidney on Thursday and I think it would be fun to name the kidney and I was looking for ideas of what others may have named theirs.  I'm thinking something gender neutral because its going from a female to a male (not that that matters at all but in naming it may) haha.

Never though of naming mine but it's a great idea!

I did arrange for one of the operating room crew, a student who would not be actively participating, to take a photo of my kidney after it had been removed. You will have to supply your own camera. As I write this wondering how/if it was sterilized.

Faith is a lovely name. A flower would be a good name too.

My recipient is female but calls her gift from me "Little Johnny", or, last week on our 11th kidneyversary, "your little boy." (My first name is John, not Clark.) I wouldn't have chosen either, or to name it at all, but to each their own. Best wishes.

Dear GG4G,

Never crossed my mind.  But I have taken to calling my Dad "Kidney" sometimes instead of "Daddy". 
I hope your recipient has many happy years with Faith.

Love, elephant


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