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Post donation diets

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Moderation is always key. DASH diet is great. The number one killer of transplant recipients is heart disease. Meat should be in moderation and smaller portions.

I have been watching my diet pretty closely due to off and on elevated potassium levels (nothing dangerous-just slightly over the limit). My doctor thinks it's just my kidney recalibrating (my term).  Anyway since my husband was on a renal diet for a year before the transplant, I am pretty familiar with the things to limit. I even printed out the potassium level of all foods and keep it in a binder, a bit extreme but handy.  I used to love eating dark greens and beans but these have high levels of potassium so I've laid off them recently.  Some fruits are pretty high as well, such as bananas of course.  Squash, green beans, cauliflower are all good choices for low potassium.  If you cut and soak potatoes you can leech some of the potassium out as well.
My husband's levels have been lower than mine so hopefully I can start eating canalopes and all those delicious beans and veggies in smaller amounts bit by bit. Like everyone has said, moderation.  Read the labels before you buy anything.  Lots of times I've had to put things back due to the sodium.
Good luck!
Donated one year ago next week


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