Living Donors Online Message Board

Living Donation Discussion and News => Living Donation Forum => Topic started by: Needtoknow on February 17, 2012, 02:15:05 AM

Title: Swollen legs
Post by: Needtoknow on February 17, 2012, 02:15:05 AM
Hi all, I will be three years post donation in July. Annual check ups to date have been fine. I had a baby four months ago and have recently started the couch to 5k running programme to get back in shape. However I've noticed some swelling in both lower legs in the past week or so. I was blaming the jogging but it just struck me that this is also a warning sign for renal issues . The swelling is not dramatic but significant enough to be uncomfortable and the reason I noticed was because my sock was leaving a deep indentation on my legs. I will get checked out but just wondering if anyone else ever had this from jogging? I've read different opinions on running websites and some say this sort of edema is not caused by running.
Title: Re: Swollen legs
Post by: Orchidlady on February 17, 2012, 07:18:10 AM
Excess sitting, water retention from salt, heart issues, age, your change in activity.....
Could be a number of things and could be nothing. Put your mind at ease and check with your doctor. Hope all is well and happy trails! Congrats on the new little one!