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A favor to ask

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Boy, I sure do post a lot here!  
I have a favor to ask of everyone.  As you all know, my donation date is coming up fast - May 4th.  I am trying so so hard to feel positive.  I wake up every morning with a panic attack, I'm having trouble eating and sleeping.  It has become somewhat normal to throw up at night :(
I think it's imperative that I somehow change my thinking.  BELIEVE ME, I am doing my very best.  I am just so scared.

The favor is this.  Please respond to this post with some of the most positive experiences that came from donating.  ANYTHING positive!  Whether it be that you happened to like your hospital room a lot, or maybe you got a lot of good sleep that you needed during recovery, maybe your relationship with the recipient is enhanced ten fold, perhaps you met someone along the journey that has enhanced your life, maybe you happened to find a lot of strength on the morning of your surgery, perhaps you healed up with no hick ups, maybe you really enjoyed your morphine drip (just a joke!).  I'm sure you get the idea...but I've got to latch onto positive thoughts now.  I'm so exhausted from the worry.  I can't take anymore.  I need reassurance so bad.

I really recommend you figure out what is scaring you so much.  I know there can be a lot of reasons, but if you can pinpoint the main thing upsetting you, then you can deal with that and hopefully move on with no worries.

That being said, my experience was almost 100% positive.  The best thing: I had six weeks off work, and spent the first two on "vacation" since I had to travel for the procedure.  My husband came along and I recuperated at a relative's house, which allowed me to get to know her very well, and all my cousins who came regularly to visit and just hang out.  It was one of the most relaxing vacations we ever took! 

I was able to read for pleasure as much as I wanted since I had no work deadlines.

I lost 14 lbs. from the time I started the colon cleanout to the day I was discharged.

Everybody I met blessed me and told me they admired me.  It's sometimes hard to take and a little embarassing, but boy, it makes you feel good to be admired for something you did.

It's been three years and my recipient has since passed away from cancer, but in my heart I am very content with my decision and I still feel like I can talk the talk, because I walked the walk.

Best wishes and I hope everything works out well for you.

Sarah,  I haven't had the privelege of donating yet (I'm so jealous of you) but here's a link to a wonderful cartoon that I read over and over.  It's by Jana Christy, who donated her kidney to her brother.  I think you'll like it! and it'll make you laugh!

Know that you are not alone in your feelings. Your description is exactly what I was feeling - having never been in the hospital before I know what it was - fear of the unknown.

I will tell you that after all the fear, fretting, crying and stewing over the upcoming operation, after it was over and done with my first thought was that it wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be in my fertile imagination! Why had I been so upset over this!

It will be okay. What I did myself to relieve my panic and upset was to concentrate on doing things that I enjoyed doing and were relaxing to me. It helped to calm me and take my mind off of things.

Know that it will be okay, your feelings are normal, and we are all behind you.

I am most certainly not one to start up a conversation about my donation to my sister, I don't like the attention and pats on the back,  but I secretly do puff up my chest when I see my Sister playing with her kids.

I too was pretty nervous prior to the surgery and I can absolutely say it was a very, very positive experience. 

If I could donate my kidney again.......I would do it again without hesitation!  Absolutely no question.

Don't worry,  you'll go through the donation like a Champ!


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