Living Donors Online Message Board

Living Donation Discussion and News => Living Donation Forum => Topic started by: WizardB on February 17, 2012, 09:05:07 PM

Title: Bummed
Post by: WizardB on February 17, 2012, 09:05:07 PM
I was all set for the CT scan next week and was hoping for the go ahead for the donation by the end of next week.  I got a call this afternoon that further cross match tests proved that my recipient would reject my kidney.  So, it's off now.  I was so close.  Obviously, I'm glad they won't do it because of rejection, but bummed that I couldn't help this person.  I told the coordinator that I would be willing to be part of a paired exchange, though.  I am glad that I know now and didn't go any further.
Title: Re: Bummed
Post by: cupid on February 17, 2012, 10:41:28 PM
Did they tell you why you do not match now? I am curious as to why this would change
Title: Re: Bummed
Post by: Fr Pat on February 18, 2012, 01:31:05 AM
     If I understand it right, the intended recipient can develop new antibodies over thime that were not present when the initial crossmatch was made. I know it sometimes is the result of having had to receive a blood transfusion in the meantime, but don't know of other causes. That's why many (all?) hospitals do a final crossmatch (in which portions of the donor's and recipient's blood are actually mixed) in the last days before the proposed surgery, even though a previous crossmatch had been fine.
    www.paireddonation org and are two sites where exchanges are arranged. The donor now need not necessarily have the donation surgery in the same city as the implantation, as the kidney can now be safely transported while staying in excellent condition.
   best wishes,
       Fr. Pat
Title: Re: Bummed
Post by: Orchidlady on February 18, 2012, 07:26:20 AM
I asked about the final crossmatch as well - couldn't understand why they wanted to take all that blood again! I was told it was a relatively recent development - they used to only do the one crossmatch at the beginning. That was until they had a recipient die out east as the result of antibodies that developed between the first crossmatch and the surgery. Since that time it became standard procedure to do the final crossmatch within a window of time before the surgery.
Title: Re: Bummed
Post by: WizardB on February 19, 2012, 11:28:49 AM
She said that even in the last 3 or 4 months, they've come up with better cross-matching tests.  They had told me in early January that I was a match -- the antibody test was positive, but they would be able to control it with anti-rejection meds.  I'm not really sure if they let the tests sit for awhile or what.....but, now they said that the risks of rejection are just too much.  Obviously they know better than me!!!

I originally started this to donate to a specific recipient.  Would I be crazy to look into donating anonymously to just anyone who needs a kidney?  I've gone through everything except the CT scan, so I know I'm healthy enough to donate, just not positive that there are no abnormalities with my kidneys.....
Title: Re: Bummed
Post by: jstx on February 19, 2012, 11:37:36 PM
You wouldn't be any more crazy than those of us who have done exactly that!  ;D  When I found out my friend and I didn't have compatible blood types, I decided to donate to a stranger.  You could also join a paired exchange program where you donate your kidney to someone else and their "donor" gives to your recipient.  They might be able to find another prospective donor that would work for your recipient and wouldn't have the antibody problems.

I had done so much research and was positive I wanted to donate so I talked to my family when I was considering donating to a stranger versus my friend.  They thought I was a bit crazy, but they supported me.  It was a wonderful experience and went well for both me and my recipient.  I'm so glad I was able to help him and now my friend is looking forward to a transplant in the near future.

I'd say do your research and see what your options are.  Talk to the hospital and see if they'd enter you two into a paired exchange.  If not, you can always look here on LDO at the message board where people post if they need a kidney or are willing to donate one.  That is where I found my recipient (I am AB+ so I looked for people who were AB and in need of a kidney).  Best wishes for both you and your recipient.
Title: Re: Bummed
Post by: lawphi on February 20, 2012, 05:48:45 PM
You could also have your recipient look into a center that performs pretransplant plasmapheresis. Whether you would qualify depends on various issues.  These centers also have large paired exchange programs.
Title: Re: Bummed
Post by: BranBas on February 28, 2012, 05:16:23 PM
Im sorry to hear this! But, I think it would be such a great thing if you were an annoymous donor. You would be saving a life, even if its not the life you origionally thought.

Title: Re: Bummed
Post by: CK on February 28, 2012, 08:23:14 PM
You could also have your recipient look into a center that performs pretransplant plasmapheresis. Whether you would qualify depends on various issues.  These centers also have large paired exchange programs.

My recipient had plasmapheresis for our transplant...they reduced his antibodies to almost nothing. We did an A2 to O transplant.

I guess it's sort of cutting edge. Our doctors said that the antigen match doesn't matter anymore, it's all about antibodies.
Title: Re: Bummed
Post by: lawphi on February 29, 2012, 07:53:23 PM
A2 is the new diet O.

Title: Re: Bummed
Post by: CK on March 01, 2012, 03:50:00 PM

It's true. And it works for B as well!