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Invitation to publish your story about living donation

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Hi all,

My name is Elisa Gordon and I am a social scientist putting together a special issue of the journal, Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics on living donation. Too little is known about the experiences of living donors. So my goal is to help potential donors and clinicians in the future to better understand the range of concerns and issues that donors encounter.
I am writing to invite living donors to submit their stories of donating for publication in the journal.

The guidelines for submitting a story can be found at the journal website:

Thank you in advance!

I look forward to receiving your stories.

Best wishes,
Elisa Gordon

Sarah in Maine:
Thanks for sharing this opportunity, Elisa. 

Do you have any "prompt" questions that you are hoping the personal narratives will address? There are at least a zillion areas on which I could focus or tailor my one personal story. 

Also, I hope you will be sure to include stories from donors with physical or mental complications from the donation, not just those with more positive experiences. 


thanks for the invitation.

Thank you both for your interest in contributing to this journal. I am most grateful for the opportunity to share your important donation experiences through putting together this journal.

Here is a bit more information that may help you as you consider preparing your narrative. First, I recommend that you take a look at the guidelines. The guidelines can be found at:

In the guidelines you'll see a set of topic areas that are of great interest to consider writing about. This set of topics is by no means limited, and you're welcome to write about other meaningful issues.

Also, please write your initial summary statement in as much detail as possible. Stories that are more likely to be accepted into the issue are those that can convey a message or key point/or points about the donation experience (either before, during or after). So describing the experience of donation and what was or is meaningful to you (whether good or bad) would be helpful.

I am accepting summaries now so that I can offer feedback, if necessary, on what issues to expand upon. Thereafter receiving the summary or revision(s) of the summary, I will let contributors know whether to write the full story.
The full story is due June 15th. After I receive the full story I'll make the final decisions about which to include in the jouranl about 2 weeks later. Although we can publish 10-12 or so in print, we will have more stories to print online.
Thank you again! I look forward to seeing your stories! Best, Elisa.

Hi Elisa,

Thank you for providing this wonderful opportunity.

I am a doctoral candidate and some what familiar with narrative inquiry as a qualitative research methodology.

I would be delighted to tell my story as a non-directed living donor.  I have been seeking an opportunity to publish something about my donation experience.

When do you need the initial summary statement by?

Thank you and nice to "meet" you,

Cynthia Tindongan


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