views on organ donation at Qatar seminar
Lectures to generate contributions to international exchange of ideas and universal reality
By Habib Toumi
A scientific seminar on Islamic perspectives on organ donations will be held this week in the Qatari capital Doha.
The ‘Organ donation between Islamic ethico-legal discourse and Muslim reality’ on Tuesday will be hosted by the Research Centre for Islamic Legislation and Ethics (CILE), a member of Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies (QFIS), in collaboration with Qatar Organ Donation Centre.
The seminar, part of a series of CILE events organised to address the issues of biomedical ethics, will allow two prominent specialists in the field of organ transplantation and the related ethical issues to express their views.
Dr Mohammad Ghaly, Professor of Islam and biomedical ethics from CILE, will deal with ‘Ethical conundrums of organ donation through the lens of Muslim religious scholars’ while Dr Riadh Fadil, Professor of Urology & Transplant Surgery and Director of Qatar Organ Donation Centre, will present the Doha model of organ donation under the title ‘Doha model of organ donation: thinking beyond nationality’, organisers said.