I donated (Kidney - Laproscopy) 5 months before, and ever since I had battled with some stiffness across the stitch area.
I used to wear some very loose clothes for the first 2-3 months; but has now switched to normal clothes (trousers and tees).
However, I had found that the elastic of underwear (and even that of trousers at times) cause more stiffness around the stitch area; and I therefore alternate frequently between wearing and not wearing underwear (Roughly 40-60 in favor of not wearing you can say). (To recall, I also had swollen testicle issue after surgery, which lasted for at least 3 months, but I'm fine on that regard now).
While I had a casual discussion about the same with one of my friends, he suggested that not wearing underwear can cause some medical issues and therefore I should be looking forward to wearing it.
Having gone through some websites, the advantages-disadvantages, I find mixed reviews on either ways; but then, those are not for kidney donors.
I was wondering if there are any donors out here had similar experiences (stiffness, swollen testicle issue, etc.) and had ditched wearing underwear for short/medium/long term? And also is there any major medical complications that could arise which warrants wearing underwear at any cost?