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Op-Ed: Living kidney donation is a life-affirming experience
« on: April 15, 2023, 12:59:22 PM »

Op-Ed: Living kidney donation is a life-affirming experience

By Helene Fellows, RN
We tell stories all the time. If we want to inform or educate on an important topic we need to tell a good story because most people are not motivated by data.
It is no accident that traditions and cultures are often preserved through storytelling and narrative. We process a call to action through an emotional lens. It is through that lens that we choose to act or not act.
One of my stories is how and why I became a living kidney donor. As a young girl, I couldn’t wait to check that box on my driver’s license application to sign up as an organ donor. I have no idea where that “need” came from. But it was deep inside of me.
Decades later, in 2017, I donated my “spare” kidney to my husband, Arthur, who was diagnosed with Alport syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that causes progressive kidney disease. I did the right thing for me and my family. I was fortunate to be able to donate to my husband, but ultimately I saved his life for our kids. I would have given my kidney to anyone, but we got lucky it worked out the way it did.
Because March is National Kidney Month and April is National Donate Life Month, it’s a good time to share my story. Some living donors report moments of doubt; others say they never had any doubt. For them, they just knew it was the right thing to do. The vast majority of living donors say if they could, they’d donate again, because their donation was a life-affirming, humbling gift that enriched their lives – and saved a life.
The process to become a living kidney donor is not fast and without challenges, nor should it be. A team will walk you through the process of a full medical workup, compatibility testing, coordinating care once a match is identified and addressing financial concerns.
High on a potential donor’s list of concerns is, “who’s going to pay for this?” The recipient’s insurance covers all testing as well as surgical and inpatient expenses for donors. There are stipends for incidentals such as travel, lodging and food for the donor.
The process has gotten easier for donors over the years. Surgery and recovery time have improved exponentially. Along with a much easier surgical process for donors, the success rates for recipients has greatly improved, too. I can attest that choosing to donate is all voluntary and there is no coercion.
I’m a registered nurse, so I recognize that data matters but stories are the motivator.
• 1 in 3 adults in the U.S. is at risk for kidney disease
• Diabetes is the top cause of kidney disease
• High blood pressure is the second top cause
• Kidney disease can strike anyone
• 37 million U.S. adults have kidney disease
• 48 percent of people with severely reduced kidney function and not on dialysis are not aware they have kidney disease
• Every 24 hours, about 340 people begin dialysis treatment for kidney failure
• Over 90,000 people are on the kidney transplant waiting list
If you or someone you know is considering becoming a living kidney donor, or simply want to know more about it, contact Helene Fellows
Unrelated directed kidney donor in 2003, recipient and I both are well.
629 time blood and platelet donor since 1976 and still giving!
Elected to the OPTN/UNOS Boards of Directors & Executive, Kidney Transplantation, and Ad Hoc Public Solicitation of Organ Donors Committees, 2005-2011
Proud grandpa!


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