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Author Topic: March 2011 Anniversaries  (Read 8230 times)

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March 2011 Anniversaries
« on: March 03, 2011, 07:42:29 AM »
While most of us are able to look forward to the warmer weather and uplifting of spirits springtime brings, our far southern companions are battening down for the long haul of winter.  Just so, the turning of the year brings occasions for laughter and tears, each of us building full lives of hopeful actions, living with their consequences, and perhaps finding joy. I like to think we all hope to be in the joy business, and do our best. Our hearts go out especially to Marva and Sunil for their losses this month.  Take care, all, and enjoy.

Twenty-fifth anniversary:
Grace donated a kidney to her daughter on March 17th, 1986

Twenty-second anniversary:
Mychelle Rucker donated a kidney to her brother on March 9th, 1989

Fifteenth anniversary:
John donated a kidney to his friend Anne on March 11th, 1996. Anne anticipated receiving a second kidney from her son, perhaps the Billy and Anne duo in May?

Thirteenth anniversary:
Gina Thor donated a kidney to her brother on March 3rd, 1998

Ninth anniversary:
Jeff Sears donated a kidney to his mother on March 2nd, 2002

Eighth anniversary:
Patricia DiClemente donated a kidney to a stranger on March 14th, 2003
Patrick McGuire donated a kidney to his wife on March 26th, 2003

Seventh anniversary:
Margaret Earnest donated a kidney to her husband on March 4th, 2004
Kay Rapien donated a kidney to her brother-in-law on March 9th, 2004
Marva Gresham donated a kidney to an unrelated person found on LDO! (since deceased) on March 25th, 2004
Jason Clipston donated a kidney to his brother on March 29th, 2004
Selena Hall donated a kidney to a friend on March 30th, 2004

Sixth anniversary:
Michelle Makedon donated a kidney to her father, Paul Makedon, on March 8th, 2005
Erick Gray donated a kidney to his father on March 22nd, 2005
Kelly Stout donated a kidney to a co-worker on March 22nd, 2005

Fifth anniversary:
Virginia Postrel donated a kidney to a friend, Sally Satel, on March 4th, 2006
Donna donated a kidney to her husband on March 14th, 2006
Linda Busby donated a kidney to her brother on March 24th, 2006
Anthony Hart donated a kidney to his niece on March 29th, 2006
Carrie Schwaderer donated a kidney to the son of a customer on March 29th, 2006

Fourth anniversary:
Christy Lindell donated a kidney to her sister on March 5th, 2007
Holly Harrington donated a kidney to her sister on March 5th, 2007
RaChelle Wilkinson (Shell) donated a kidney to her friend, Sandra, on March 20th, 2007
Kelly Anne Astle donated a kidney to her father on March 22nd, 2007
Sunil Joseph donated a kidney to his brother on March 29th, 2007. His brother died seven days later, on Good Friday.

Third anniversary:
Barbara Coleman donated a kidney to Alyssa, a 19 year old family friend, on March 6th, 2008
Michael von Wahlde donated a kidney to his mother, Carol, on March 10th, 2008
Denora Carpenter donated a kidney to a friend on March 19th, 2008
Anna Kidd donated a kidney to Jody on March 26th, 2008
David Schneider donated a kidney to his stepfather on March 27th, 2008

Second anniversary:
James Roach III donated a kidney to his wife's cousin, Joe, on March 9th, 2009

First anniversary:
Lisa Marie Kull donated a kidney to her friend, Heather Tucker, on March 5th, 2010
Cindy Wittmier donated a kidney to her best friend, Gloria Thiessen, on March 23rd, 2010
Christine Lerchen donated a kidney to her Dad on March 24th, 2010
Unrelated directed kidney donor in 2003, recipient and I both are well.
629 time blood and platelet donor since 1976 and still giving!
Elected to the OPTN/UNOS Boards of Directors & Executive, Kidney Transplantation, and Ad Hoc Public Solicitation of Organ Donors Committees, 2005-2011
Proud grandpa!


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