I recommend going to
www.srtr.org website. Then look at the National Transplant Program list by organ by each program. Look at the number of live donor vs deceased donor surgeries. Can look at this list by say 'kidney' or 'liver'. Some of this information was alarming. I counted at least 25 kidney programs that did not even do one transplant in all of 2010 and some on the list who have had their doors closed for even longer (Akron Summa for example is closed.) An inflated OPTN membership list? A few others listed were recently closed (some voluntarily) under the new CMS Rules and Regulations for Transplant Programs.
What this means for a potential live donor: be sure to look at this SRTR data. If a center had done only 1 live donor surgery in an entire year, I would go somewhere else. Some programs do 3 times more live donor kidney transplants than deceased donor. Look at the program you are considering and ask them the tough questions about outcomes and surgical expertise.
I looked at the liver centers--then I looked at those who participated in A2ALL. U of CO where Ryan Arnold died in 2010 only did 3 live donor liver surgeries that year. This is a 33% mortality rate. Some like U of MI only did 1. Lahey which did the most in 2010 at 19 (also reported one death) is more active in live donor liver transplants than its kidney program. According to an article by Jim Trotter, MD 12 liver programs are doing 80% of the live donor liver transplants. What happened to all the others? When I was on the Board, we approved at least 62 and and some of the 126 opted out of doing them. Why now only 12? Bet would be fewer if NIH/A2ALL was not paying them. 35 of the programs listed on SRTR site did less than 5 live donor liver transplants in 2010. Hardly expertise. I want the list separated out by number of laparoscopic surgeries vs. open by organ type (so we see how many kidney and liver donors are undergoing the lap procedure by transplant hospital.) Donor consent must include the risks unique to the lap procedure such as with pneumoperitoneum or the administration of intraoperative Lasix, Mannitol and/or Heparin.
The A2ALL centers did 82 live donor liver transplants in 2010--this is less than 1/3 of the total. The current policy proposals do not even include live liver donors. They will have to wait even years more to get on the agenda for national polices on consent, evaluation or followup.