You may also want to try doing as much gentle bending and stretching exercises as possible, to help get things "back in place". My surgeon told me to start the following exercise the day after open donation surgery:
Stand and raise the arm that is opposite the surgery incision above the head. Slowly bend away from the surgery side until pressure/pain becomes uncomfortable. Hold that position for a couple of seconds, then straighted up again gently. Repeat a few times, then do the same on the other side. As days pass the ability to stretch further without pain will gradually increase.
Another exercise that I found to be a great help: stretch out flat on your back on the floor, arms and legs extended to form an "X" if possible. Just stretch and then relax. Then try lieing on one side and raising the top leg. Repreat, if possible, on the other side. I know that a couple of other donors have shared my own experience of all sorts of gurgling and shifting going on inside. Seemed to help.
Some donors have sought the help of a licensed massage therapist with experience in post-op massage.
Fr. Pat