I donated my left kidney to my sister on 14th May this year. As soon as we saw the images of them pre-op sitting snuggly together in my body it felt as if I had to name her. I choose to call her Cissie because that was my grandmother's pet name in the family and I was named after my grandmother, though I never adopted the pet name. We now chat away post-op and my sister always refers to her as Cissie. It makes it much easier to avoid possessive pronouns. The kidney isn't mine any more and she has 3 so it lets her differentiate between it and her 'bad boys', her polycystic kidneys. The irony of Cissie being the good one wasn't lost on either of us. 3 weeks post operative, she has gone from 380 creatine level to 73! Within 36 hours it shot down to 190 and now she needs to seriously increase her potassium intake, she just got so used to a thimble of cheese, no bananas etc, so she finds it a bit odd being told to get that potassium in her. Naming the kidney just felt right. No one else calls it anything, so it is something special to us two. Last step will be to have those bad boys removed in a few months time.