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Author Topic: I feel so much pressure...  (Read 18718 times)

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Offline Sathvik

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Re: I feel so much pressure...
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2013, 11:34:08 AM »
         I can understand when you say pressure as i am a liver donor myself. i think anxiety is common during this period, all you have to do is trust your doctor and his skill, i am 24 and post op 4 months, and both  me and recipients are doing well. Now i am glad i donated liver, am sure after surgery you will feel the same . And as doctor i can understand you not wanting scar, liver and structures like bile ducts are very delicate and i don't think the surgeon will compromise with the incision. anyways good luck for the surgery , you are doing a great job.
                                                                                                                              Thank you 

Offline SWB

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Re: I feel so much pressure...
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2013, 10:01:46 AM »
Glad to hear you have worked (?) through the decision.  The process of donation can bring a lot of anxiety.  I encourage you to find a living donor buddy either at the facility or on here.  Talking to someone can help out a lot.

And, I put the question mark only because sometimes the process becomes a roller coaster.  Keep yourself informed and educated on what is going on.  If at any point you feel like you have to back out for your health due to the anxiety, pressure, or other reason - just know that it is OK. 

I am definitely not trying to talk you out of donating.  It was one of the greatest experiences of my life.  But, this is a forum where I encourage "personal safety".  Only you know your circumstances.

Best of luck and I hope your donation process ends up as rewarding as mine.

Donated right kidney to uncle
October 18, 2012 at University of Alabama (UAB)


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