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Author Topic: Advisory Committee on Organ Transplantation Meeting March 8, 2011  (Read 7213 times)

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[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 27 (Wednesday, February 9, 2011)]
[Pages 7223-7224]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-2839]



Health Resources and Services Administration

Advisory Committee on Organ Transplantation; Notice of Meeting

    In accordance with section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463), notice is hereby given of the following
    Name: Advisory Committee on Organ Transplantation.
    Date and Times: March 8, 2011, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    Place: Georgetown University Hotel and Conference Center, 3800
Reservoir Road, NW., Washington, DC 20057.
    Status: The meeting will be open to the public.
    Purpose: Under the authority of 42 U.S.C. 217a, Section 222 of the
Public Health Service Act, as amended, and 42 CFR 121.12 (2000), ACOT
was established to assist the Secretary in enhancing organ donation,
ensuring that the system of organ transplantation is grounded in the
best available medical science, and assuring the public that the system
is as effective and equitable as possible, and, thereby, increasing
public confidence in the integrity and effectiveness of the
transplantation system. ACOT is composed of up to 25 members, including
the Chair. Members are serving as Special Government Employees and have
diverse backgrounds in fields such as organ donation, health care
public policy, transplantation medicine and surgery, critical care
medicine and other medical specialties involved in the identification
and referral of donors, non-physician transplant professions, nursing,
epidemiology, immunology, law and bioethics, behavioral sciences,
economics and statistics, as well as representatives of transplant
candidates, transplant recipients, organ donors, and family members.
    Agenda: The Committee will hear reports from two ACOT Work Groups:
Declining Rates of Donation/Geographical and Other Variations in Organ
Distribution and Alignment of CMS Regulatory Requirements with OPTN.
ACOT also will hear presentations on disease transmission and informed
consent, transplant tourism, organ donation and transplantation
alliance, a report on an intensive DMV outreach project demonstrating
significant increases in Michigan donor registration, and OPO
performance metrics for quality improvement. Agenda items are subject
to change as priorities indicate.
    After the presentations and Committee discussions, members of the
public will have an opportunity to provide comments. Because of the
Committee's full agenda and the timeframe in which to cover the agenda
topics, public comment will be limited. All public comments will be
included in the record of the ACOT meeting. Meeting summary notes will
be made available on the Department's donation Web site at http://www.organdonor.gov/acot.html.
    The draft meeting agenda is available on the Department's donation
Web site at http://www.organdonor.gov/acot.html and at http://www.team-psa.com/dot/spring2011/ACOT/.
    Registration can be completed electronically at http://www.team-psa.com/dot/spring2011/ACOT/ or submitted by facsimile to HRM/
Professional and Scientific Associates (PSA), the logistical support
contractor for the meeting, at fax number (703) 234-1701 ATTN: Brittany
Carey. Individuals without access to the Internet who wish to register
may call Brittany Carey with HRM/PSA at (703) 889-9033.

Executive Secretary, Healthcare Systems Bureau, Health Resources and
Services Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 12-105, Rockville,
Maryland 20857; telephone (301) 443-1127 or e-mail to pstroup@hrsa.gov.

[[Page 7224]]

    Dated: February 2, 2011.
Reva Harris,
Acting Director, Division of Policy and Information Coordination.
[FR Doc. 2011-2839 Filed 2-8-11; 8:45 am]
Unrelated directed kidney donor in 2003, recipient and I both are well.
629 time blood and platelet donor since 1976 and still giving!
Elected to the OPTN/UNOS Boards of Directors & Executive, Kidney Transplantation, and Ad Hoc Public Solicitation of Organ Donors Committees, 2005-2011
Proud grandpa!


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