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Author Topic: Recipient is great. I'm still with a very bad outcome.  (Read 4372 times)

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Offline mkew

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Recipient is great. I'm still with a very bad outcome.
« on: August 22, 2013, 11:28:39 PM »
Kidney donation Surgery Aug 7. Surgeon nicked a blood vessel, assumed it would cauterize itself. It did not.  Transfused two units the next day. The day after that I contracted c-diff infection. Just out of hospital today after almost two weeks. Still taking antibiotics, just now able to eat gently. Very mixed bag of care. I've been away from home for almost three weeks. MAYBE I can go home next week. Colon extremely painful and distended but they say it should go down slowly.

In other words, a living nightmare except that all three recipients in the chain are reportedly doing great thank god.

Not trying to be alarmist and I don't want to disrupt the board but if anyone wants to discuss, I appreciate support. Please PM me. Warning, I'm an unreliable correspondent these days but hope to get better as my health improves!

Offline Fr Pat

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Re: Recipient is great. I'm still with a very bad outcome.
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2013, 11:48:28 PM »
     I'm sorry to hear of your complications, and very glad to hear that you seem to be on the road to recovery. Please keep us informed when you feel up to it.
     I remember (12 years ago) before my donation surgery that the doctor explained to me that he would use the open method rather than the laporoscopic method because he wanted to SEE carefully that there was no bleeding or nicked blood vessels before they closed me up. It is indeed one of the things that can go wrong.
                best wishes,
                  fr. Pat

Offline elephant

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Re: Recipient is great. I'm still with a very bad outcome.
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2013, 07:40:33 AM »
Dear mkew,

What an unfortunate mess.  I'm glad to hear you are home and beginning to recover. 

CDiff can be hard to deal with, I do suggest you read up on it.  Probiotics can be extremely helpful in restoring normal flora to your colon, and if you have lingering problems look into fecal transplant which has been super helpful for many people.  I thought I had Cdiff,  but it turns out I have ulcerative colitis, which unfortunately does not go away.  There are also dietary changes you can try, I'm following a diet that restricts sugars and starches with the  goal of eliminating the food for the undesirable bacteria.   

Keep us updated please.  Of course you should post here. 

Love, elephant


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