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Author Topic: 10 days Post-Op  (Read 7770 times)

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10 days Post-Op
« on: June 20, 2011, 03:35:24 PM »
Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to give you a quick update on how things are going.  Last night I had the best sleep I've had in weeks.  If you remember I was having trouble sleeping Pre-Op due to the anticipation.  I also like to sleep on my stomach (which it's close to impossible after surgery), but last night I used a couple of pillows to support my back so I could sleep on my side.  I feel like a new woman!  I am convinced that sufficient sleep is  an imperative part of recuperation.

In regards to pain,  I am off the pain killers during the day and I only take one at night ( I guess that also helps me sleep better  ;D ).  During the day when I start feeling discomfort I just take a walk around the house and the pain goes away.  My incisions are healing well.  It is still funny to me to think that only GLUE is holding them together.  I know that it's not only the glue, but the idea is very comical to me.   I like to joke with people that the recession is so bad that hospitals can only afford Crazy-Glue to close you up.  ;)  j/k

My appetite is also back.  I am hungry all the time!  I can only eat small amounts of food at a time, so I eat often.  I did not have any problems with BM's so I eat well.   I am sorry if this was more than you needed to know  :D

The best part of all of this.... my husband is doing GREAT.  Although he still in some pain, he looks full of energy.  Every time he eats something he was not able to eat while he was on dialysis he makes it a point to look at me as says Thank you.  He is such a great guy!

So many people here have said it before, but  I need to say it again:  I have NO regrets and I would do it all over again.  I still have some slow weeks ahead of me, but I am very happy  where we are right now.


Offline ohtobeahayes

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Re: 10 days Post-Op
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2011, 04:27:11 PM »
Best news ever, Angelica! Thank you for the update!
I just love that you get a very up close and personal experience of seeing what a kidney can do/does do!  I'm so happy that both your husband and yourself are doing well!
My recipient really loved that as well, getting to eat foods he hadn't been able to eat in years.  He was really looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas.  :)
Congratulations!!!!!!!  Isn't your body completely awesome????????  Look how you're healing and carrying on. Perfectly awesome!
Take care!

Be the change!

Offline Orchidlady

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Re: 10 days Post-Op
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2011, 07:25:24 AM »
It is wonderful to hear that you are both doing so well and on the upside of recovery!
Donated Left Kidney to Husband 10/30/07
Barnes Jewish Hospital
St. Louis, MO

Offline shelley

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Re: 10 days Post-Op
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2011, 12:44:20 PM »
Go Angelica!  I didn't know they used glue!  I think it's going to take more than that to hold MY guts in, hope they've got some duct tape handy too.

Soooo glad to hear about your husband.  No amount of pain or discomfort comes close to the joy and gratitude you must feel.

Offline treehugger

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Re: 10 days Post-Op
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2011, 03:20:08 PM »
Glad to hear you are doing so well.

I'm a huge fan of that surgical glue. No external stitches to deal with is a huge medical advance, IMO. Even steri-strips, while better than stitches or staples, still have to be pulled off at some point. The glue allows showering as soon as one feels like it after surgery, and then just disolves/wears off. Wonderful stuff!

Donated left kidney to my husband via paired exchange on 12/17/09.

Offline Aries7

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Re: 10 days Post-Op
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2011, 10:48:20 PM »
This is great news Angelica! I agree with you - I too have no regrets and would do it all over again. When I went for my follow up appointment after the surgery ( I think it was about 2 weeks post op) I told my surgeon "I would do it again in a heartbeat!" My surgeon had a great since of humor and said "That is nice, but I couldn't be your surgeon again if you did this again!"

I am so glad all is well!

Donated left kidney to Husband
October 8, 2009 at UW Madison

Offline PhilHoover

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Re: 10 days Post-Op
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2011, 05:48:58 AM »
Remember, no lifting.....drink plenty of water, TAKE naps, and TAKE those stool softeners....NO LIFTING...NO LIFTING.
Donated to a former college professor, October 28, 2009. Would do it again in a nanosecond.


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