feedback in a UNOS member survey is not typically something you plan for in your busy day, so we appreciate it when you take the time to tell us how we can better serve you. Spurred on by your comments asking for more clearly written policies and helped by the efforts of many members and UNOS staff over the past few years, a major initiative to rewrite and reorganize the OPTN policies is now complete. The Board of Directors approved the rewritten policies in November and they will take effect February 1, 2014.
What You Need to Know
Policy numbers and titles will change. Members responsible for compliance with OPTN policy need to know the new numbers to update documents, forms, or other materials used at their institution.
The new policy document has a table-of-contents and an index to help you find the information you need. A crosswalk will also help you with references to old and new policy numbers.
All policy sections will be contained in one document instead of numerous PDFs. Please be sure to select the specific page or pages you would like to print.
Policy references will be updated in resources on the OPTN, UNOS, Transplant Pro and Transplant Living sites, as well as printed materials.
To learn more and to see a draft version of the new policies, go to
Also in response to comments from members, UNOS is in the process of revising the OPTN Evaluation Plan to make it easier to find information about how to comply with OPTN policies and bylaws. A draft of the new document will be available before the February 1 implementation date.
And, about that member feedback, we will be calling on you to provide it again in the near future, in a somewhat different manner than we have in the past. Rather than conducting a single, extensive member survey every two or three years, we plan to get critical feedback from you more often—every six months or so. We’ll also ask far fewer questions. To supplement this foundational survey, we will periodically send out other short, topic-specific questionnaires. Those surveys will measure your satisfaction with specific UNOS resources like the OPTN Evaluation Plan or the Transplant Pro member website, with the goal of continuing to improve the UNOS products and resources you depend on. Watch Transplant Pro for a link to a member survey early in 2014.