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Author Topic: 100th living donor kidney transplant arranged through OPTN/UNOS KPD Pilot Progra  (Read 3474 times)

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100th living donor kidney transplant arranged through KPD Pilot Program

A series of three living donor kidney transplants performed July 7, 2014, marked the 98th, 99th and 100th that were arranged through the OPTN/UNOS Kidney Paired Donation Pilot Program (KPDPP).  Two of the transplants occurred at Pinnacle Health in Harrisburg, Pa., while another took place at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago.
“This is a significant milestone for our program.  It is also a tribute both to the people who help save others through donation and the professionals who are able to find compatible recipients,” said Carl Berg, M.D., OPTN/UNOS President.  “The program has especially helped a number of people who were highly immunosensitized, meaning that their chances of finding a compatible match were very low without having a system like this available.”
The program identifies compatible matches for living donor kidney transplants at 138 participating hospitals nationwide.  In some instances, the potential living donor had intended to help a specific transplant candidate but was not a biologic match with that person.  Other transplant combinations have been made possible by a non-directed living donor (someone who did not specify a recipient, but wished to help a candidate identified by the matching program).
In addition to OPTN funding, the program has been made possible by charitable support and in-kind donations from a number of individuals and organizations.  For a list of corporate partners, as well as additional information about the program for potential donors and recipients and transplant professionals, visit the resource page of the UNOS website.
Unrelated directed kidney donor in 2003, recipient and I both well.
626 time blood and platelet donor since 1976 and still giving!
Elected to the OPTN/UNOS Boards of Directors & Executive, Kidney Transplantation, and Ad Hoc Public Solicitation of Organ Donors Committees, 2005-2011
Proud grandpa!


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