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Author Topic: Issues after donating?  (Read 8660 times)

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Offline dtwbcs

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Issues after donating?
« on: May 07, 2015, 08:53:02 AM »
I donated my kidney on 4Feb14 for my brother. He is doing great. I ,myself have had this back issue ever since. It takes about an hour for the muscles in my lower back to stretch out and limber enough for me to do day to day activities. Have trouble bending at the waist to pick up something off the floor.Also have been plagued with groin pain that has slowly diminished. My remaining kidney is at "53"

Respectfully , Danny

Offline Clark

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Re: Issues after donating?
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2015, 09:30:13 AM »
This, too, Danny? Same questions about professional medical care and your transplant center. Could be related, could be a separate problem. Best wishes. Please do let us know what you learn and the outcome of treatment. Thanks.
Unrelated directed kidney donor in 2003, recipient and I both well.
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Offline dtwbcs

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Re: Issues after donating?
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2015, 12:10:59 PM »
So i read on this forum that I'm not the only person with groin pain issues 8) but has anybody experienced the lower back pain?It's like I can't touch my toes;as before the surgery.Lost my flexibility?maybe more with stiffness in the muscles.Still can't bend over normally.And i have a bulge still down there where they took out the kidney.Do you think that i have some type of scarring?What about my back?maybe over-extended so now it bothers me?

Offline Clark

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Re: Issues after donating?
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2015, 01:19:47 PM »
Dear Danny,

  Pain in one area of the body can affect other parts of the body, either seeming to be the source of pain, or stiffness, or swelling, or... Point being, get thee to a professional and find out what's the matter. Good hunting!
Unrelated directed kidney donor in 2003, recipient and I both well.
626 time blood and platelet donor since 1976 and still giving!
Elected to the OPTN/UNOS Boards of Directors & Executive, Kidney Transplantation, and Ad Hoc Public Solicitation of Organ Donors Committees, 2005-2011
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Re: Issues after donating?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2015, 06:03:30 PM »
Same problems here, with back pain more to the lower left where my donated kidney was.  I donated in June 2014 and still cannot bend at the waist without discomfort, nor can I lift, push or pull as well as I did before surgery.   I cannot turn my torso to the right without strain. My primary physician said it may be scar tissue.  Also, I have nerve pain down my abdomen for which my surgeon prescribed Neurontin six months ago, but it wipes me out. I will be seeing my surgeon next month for my one year checkup so I will let you know what he says.  Frankly, I thought I would be back to normal by now, so I am feeling a bit down. :-[

Offline poodles

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Re: Issues after donating?
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2015, 10:01:03 AM »
Yes definitely get this checked out by a professional. Everyone has a different body with a different history so any advice you get will have to be very general.

My surgeon prior to the surgery specifically warned me about groin pain and said it would be referred nerve pain from scar tissue on the multificus behind the kidney cavity. it was the only waring he gave me so I remembered. Maybe it was his surgery style.


Boy was he right.

I actually have a session with a physio later today and he will be working on just this issue as part of rehab for a ski injury. Although this session is for a ski injury, the Physio is also stretching groin and multifidus scar tissue as part of the knee rehab. I find it sometimes but not always it reappears when I have a sport or other overuse injury (digging in the garden anyone?).

Good luck and let us know how you get on please

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Re: Issues after donating?
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2015, 10:35:55 AM »
My sister donated a kidney to me that lasted 5 years. This is my FIFTH year of 11 hours dialysis a day and I desperately need another kidney.

My sister is doing just fine though and she donated 10 years ago!


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