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Author Topic: Prospective Living Donor Question  (Read 11793 times)

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Offline 777Captain

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Prospective Living Donor Question
« on: September 13, 2016, 06:27:34 PM »
Hello all,

I'm new here and lining up to do a living kidney donation possibly later this month.

I'm a male in his mid fifties and just went through the evaluation process and all is good with a couple of minor questions.  The twenty-four hour urine analysis showed UR CREATININE MG/24 as high, 2096 (normal 1000-1800), and the URINE TOTAL PROTEIN MG/24HR  as high 216 (normal 10-150).

The blood test results show normal range creatinine at 1.12 (range 0.60-1.20).

The nephrologist gave me confidence in his knowledge and expressed concern for my health in general. He did not seem concerned about these numbers, saying that many things could affect them.

I should mention that I have been working out more vigorously than usual the last week or so.

The eGFR score was something like 87 or 89.  It's not on the results sheet.  I have been keeping a spread sheet for the last several years of annual blood test and only had eGFRs for three years, they show 75, 87, and 83 respectively for 2014, 2015, and 2016.

I appreciate any information anyone can share about this.

Thank you,


Offline Fr Pat

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Re: Prospective Living Donor Question
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2016, 08:00:31 PM »
Hi. You might want to post your questions also at the FaceBook page of Living Donors on Line, as these days many more donors check in there rather than here. I myself don't have anything solid I can offer you regarding your questions. I donated 14 years ago and am doing fine mow at age 70.
  best wishes,
      Fr. Pat

Offline Snoopy

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Re: Prospective Living Donor Question
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2016, 08:14:37 AM »

 the URINE TOTAL PROTEIN MG/24HR  as high 216 (normal 10-150)....

I should mention that I have been working out more vigorously than usual the last week or so.

Hi, 777Captain.
   Funny you should mention this.  My center almost took me out in part over a high protein reading.  I'd also been working out much more, trying to lose those last few kilos and keep my BP down.  The extra exercise, combined with having eaten a few tofu sandwiches the day before my tests, seemed to have distorted my results. 

  After some heated negotiation, I was allowed to try again, and was required to provide three perfect sets of 24-hour urine collection data.  That done, I was allowed to continue, and did end up donating.

  It seems your doc is not panicking, which is good.  I wish you complete success in passing your tests and donating.

  For the wider audience, though, I would just remind everybody that, though it's not something we want to hear, there are in fact people for whom it's less safe to donate.  One bad or borderline set of labs is one thing; often, various factors could give misleading results.  But sometimes there really is a problem, and it's the center's job to save you from yourself.
    Good luck,

Offline sherri

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Re: Prospective Living Donor Question
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2016, 09:01:02 AM »
It may be a good idea to see a nephrologist outside the transplant center and bring all your labs and testing to get a second opinion. you are having surgery and it is not unreasonable to have another physician review everything and make their recommendation. If anything, it may give you peace of mind.

good luck and keep us posted.

Living Kidney Donor 11/12/07


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