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Author Topic: Living kidney donor blood type O+  (Read 5550 times)

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Offline makingAdifference

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Living kidney donor blood type O+
« on: February 03, 2022, 12:24:53 AM »
Hi. I am writing this for a friend who is old fashioned and not very internet savvy. He wants to donate one of his kidneys to the right person. He is a healthy 49 y/o who doesn't smoke nor drinks. His blood type is O+. He doesn't want to donate to a random person, he'd rather know the recipient before donation. Please message me and I will connect you with him. I am not comfortable sharing his cellphone number publicly here. I wish you all good health.

Offline Fr Pat

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Re: Living kidney donor blood type O+
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2022, 03:32:17 PM »
Since he wishes to donate to someone known and chosen by him he might go through www.matchingdonors.com . There he could read the postings and information from patients looking for a donor and make a choice. However, please also mention to him that if he instead chooses to donate through the National Kidney Registry (www.kidneyregistry.org) they would try to match him with a patient who has a willing but incompatible donor. He would donate to that patient, and then that patient's incompatible donor gives a kidney to someone else. Again the "someone else" chosen by the registry is ANOTHER patient who has a willing but incompatibe donor who then gives a kidney to someone else. And so on down the line. Some of these "chains" result in 10 or 20 otherwise impossible transplants, but ONE non-directed donor (who gives but does not receive) is needed to START the chain. The person who receives his kidney may or may not later get in touch. As donated kidneys can now be safely transported elsewhere for implantation the transplants may take place all over the country over several months. Your friend would thus help a lot of patients get a kidney, rather than just one.

Offline Michelle

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Re: Living kidney donor blood type O+
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2022, 08:03:37 PM »

I know it's been a while since you posted, but I'm new to this forum. If your friend is still willing to donate, I'm very much interested! O blood type would be perfect as that's an universal donor.


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