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Author Topic: Assessment of long-term outcomes post living liver donation...scientific integri  (Read 2492 times)

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Assessment of long-term outcomes post living liver donation highlights the importance of scientific integrity when presenting transplant registry data
American Journal of Transplantation
Juliet Emamaullee et al.
First published: 30 March 2022 https://doi.org/10.1111/ajt.17045

Living donor liver transplantation has expanded in recent years, particularly in North America. As experience with this procedure has matured over the last 25 years, centers are increasingly faced with potential living donors who are more medically complex. As donors move through the evaluation process, completing the informed consent process continues to be challenged by a paucity of granular data demonstrating long-term outcomes and overall safety specifically in the otherwise “healthy” living liver donor population. Two recently published studies examined long-term outcomes post-living liver donation using Korean registry data and reported similar results, with excellent overall survival when compared to appropriately matched controls. However, the authors of these studies were presented differently, with one reporting an alarmist view based on one aspect of a suboptimal analysis approach using an inappropriate comparator group. Herein, the North American Living Liver Donor Innovation Group (NALLDIG) consortium discusses these two studies and their potential impact on living liver donation in North America, ultimately highlighting the importance of scientific integrity in data presentation and dissemination when using transplant registry data.

Unrelated directed kidney donor in 2003, recipient and I both are well.
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