« on: February 08, 2023, 12:43:25 PM »
If you would like to have your anniversary included with ours, please see https://livingdonorsonline.org/donor-experiences/donation-anniversaries/. Thank you, and welcome!Best wishes to all celebrating an anniversary of a living organ donation in February! And sympathy for those for whom it is a time of renewed grieving instead of celebration. February always is an emotional time, as it’s when one among us succumbed to injuries received during her donation surgery. Rita Kocian was a strong advocate for improved policies on our behalf during the few years between her surgery and her death. My service at national policy development started at nearly the same time, and her dedication was and is and inspiration for me.We are a community brought together by our urge to act personally to help alleviate suffering and improve or extend a life, of a loved one, of a friend, of an acquaintance, or of a complete stranger. We are also the family and friends of those of us who have donated, or intend to donate, or intended and could not. Not least we are the medical professionals aiding our loved ones, caring for us, and making this extraordinary option an available treatment. Even the researchers, journalists, and general public satisfying their curiosity play a role, raising awareness and asking important questions. Let us all remember these folks and what they did this month in years past, especially on National Donor Day, February 14th.Thirty-first anniversaryRobin Neill Payne donated a kidney to her father, Keith, on February 5th, 1992Thirtieth anniversaryChristopher B. Walker donated a kidney to his son, Brandon, on February 5th, 1993Twenty-eighth anniversaryMae Menard donated a kidney to her daughter on February 15th, 1995Twenty-fourth anniversaryPete Whitfield donated a kidney to his brother on February 2nd, 1999Janet Troiano donated a kidney to her sister on February 17th, 1999Twenty-second anniversaryJeffrey Looman donated a kidney to his step-father on February 18th, 2001Twenty-first anniversaryChris Mason donated a kidney to his father on February 5th, 2002Lea King donated a kidney to her mother on February 6th, 2002Linda Bartalot donated a kidney to her mother on February 15th, 2002Father Patrick Sullivan donated a kidney to a stranger on February 20th, 2002Lana Schupbach donated a kidney to her mother on February 20th, 2002Twentieth anniversaryTeddie Anderson was a non-directed kidney donor to Janet Grier on February 10th, 2003Raoul Gomez, Jr., donated part of his liver to his father on February 27th, 2003Nineteenth anniversaryRita Kocian, a living kidney donor to her mother in August 2000, died on February 12th, 2004Joyce Trivett donated a kidney to a friend on February 13th, 2004Darcie Bjorgo donated a kidney to her mother, Judy Bjorgo, on February 23rd, 2004Chris Dickenson donated a kidney to her sister on February 24th, 2004James Muscat donated a kidney to his brother-in-law, David Vella, on February 25th, 2004Eighteenth anniversaryJaime L. Smith donated a kidney to her aunt on February 10th, 2005Iris M. Saltiel donated a kidney to her sister on February 15th, 2005Steve Natalie donated a kidney to a friend on February 22nd, 2005Jeffrey Padilla donated a kidney to his brother-in-law on February 25th, 2005Seventeenth anniversaryPatrick Goldon donated a kidney to his sister on February 2nd, 2006Linda Shaffer donated a kidney to her father on February 15th, 2006Shannon Irwin donated a kidney to her father on February 20th, 2006Corry Rausch donated a kidney to her daughter on February 28th, 2006Sixteenth anniversaryAudra Burgess donated a kidney to her sister-in-law on February 15th, 2007Fifteenth anniversarySue Kosiorek donated part of her liver to her brother on February 5th, 2008Terry Brown donated a kidney to a friend's husband on February 8th, 2008Sara Anderson donated a kidney to her Dad on February 14th, 2008Maureen Corcoran donated a kidney to her cousin, Mary Jane DiPaolo, on February 19th, 2008Fourteenth anniversaryNicole Skelly donated a kidney to her friend, Julie, on February 4th, 2009Carol Stangel donated a kidney to her daughter, Katie, on February 10th, 2009Wendy Switzer donated a kidney to her hubby on February 18th, 2009Thirteenth anniversaryStacy Rushton donated a kidney to her husband on February 3rd, 2010Timothy Joyce donated a kidney to his sister, Mary Bridget Collins, on February, 8th, 2010Ebony Vallance donated a kidney to her Dad on February 9th, 2010Sandy Benning donated a kidney on February 10th, 2010Neal Orsbon donated a kidney to his younger sister on February 12th, 2010Patricia Childers donated a kidney to her brother-in-law, David Elrod, on February 12th, 2010Ronda Peterson donated a kidney on February 15th, 2010Todd Welden donated a kidney to Robbie Moore on February 17th, 2010Cindy donated a kidney to her brother on February 22nd, 2010Twelfth anniversaryRoger Ernest donated a kidney to his daughter's partner, Gary Bourton, on February 8th, 2011Eleventh anniversaryLuis G. Rivera donated a kidney to his brother, Ruben A. Rivera, on February 17th, 2012Faith Bryant donated a kidney to Blaze Pagliarini, a stranger, on February 19th, 2012Julian Cook donated a kidney to a total stranger, Mary Tompkins, on February 20th, 2012Morgan Bush donated a kidney to her brother, Scott Briggs, on February 21st, 2012Lauri Passeri donated a kidney to her friend, Kevin Beam, on February 24th, 2012Bob Minteer donated a kidney to his friend, Jim, on February 28th, 2012Jennifer MacIntyre made an unrelated kidney donation on February 28th, 2012Tenth anniversaryItty Beck donated a kidney to an unknown person on February 12th, 2013Pauline donated a kidney to her spouse, Ken, on February 13th, 2013Virginia Compton donated a kidney to her sister-in-law, Pam, on February 18th, 2013Cori McManemon donated a kidney to Judy Mogel on February 19th, 2013Mary Beth Wilkinson donated her left kidney to Donald Mark Lindsay, a complete stranger three states away, on February 20th, 2013 in memory of her twin brother who passed away from cancerLorie Swanky donated a kidney to her sister, Tammy Swanky, on February 25th, 2013Ninth anniversaryDanny Walker donated a kidney to his brother, Jimmy, on February 4th, 2014Heather Hunt donated a kidney to her sister, Kristin Hunt Wolff, on February 26th, 2014Eighth anniversaryPhillip Gay donated a kidney to his daughter, Charlotte Archer Gay, on February 17th, 2015Seventh anniversaryKristin Bramblett donate a kidney to her friend, Keith Kozel, on February 19th, 2016Micki Stanley donated a kidney to his sister, Patricia Kopp, on February 19th, 2016Pamela Woodward donated a kidney to her spouse, John, on February 25th, 2016Sixth anniversaryMarilyn Hulslander donated a kidney to her husband, Ralph, on February 7th, 2017Third anniversaryRuth Esteban-Muir was a non-directed bridge donor on February 19th 2020

Unrelated directed kidney donor in 2003, my recipient and I are well.
640 time blood and platelet donor since 1976 and still giving!
Elected to the OPTN/UNOS Boards of Directors & Executive, Kidney Transplantation, and Ad Hoc Public Solicitation of Organ Donors Committees, 2005-2011
Proud grandpa!