« on: February 11, 2023, 02:52:10 PM »
https://www.liherald.com/glenhead/stories/forget-about-the-chocolate-on-feb-14-give-the-gift-of-life,163200Forget about the chocolate on Feb. 14: Give the gift of lifePosted February 9, 2023By Roksana AmidNational Donor Day is observed every year on Valentine’s Day. Additionally, it’s a day those who have given and received the gift of life through organ, eye and tissue donations are recognized, as are people currently waiting for a lifesaving transplant and those who died before receiving one.In 1983, Jan Schichtel’s family celebrated two precious millstones. Her son Bob had just started first grade and her husband entered the Nassau County Police Academy.However, Schichtel, who was a Glen Cove resident at the time, was waiting for her own milestone — to continue the life she led before starting hemodialysis. She was on the lifesaving treatment for 20 months, receiving 43 pints of blood to keep her alive before she received a kidney donation.“There were many times that I was extremely weak and couldn’t function too well,” Schichtel said. “I was able to keep going in part due to the 43 anonymous blood donors. Without them I wouldn’t have made it.”The kidney became available in October of 1983. It would change her life forever.“A donor family looked past their grief of losing their son to give me, a stranger, life,” Schichtel marveled.That generosity enabled her to live to see her grandchildren and help support her husband, while he battled cancer for 11 years.The first human organ to be transplanted successfully was a kidney in 1954. Liver, heart and pancreas transplants were successfully performed by the late 1960s, while lung and intestinal organ transplant procedures begun in the 1980s.The Saturn Corporation and its partner, the United Auto Workers, started National Donor Day in 1998.Joy Oppedisano, president of Transplant Recipients International Organization, said she’s thrilled that Feb. 14 is recognized as Donor Awareness Day.“It’s really wonderfully amazing how, in a short period of time, science and transplants has advanced where they’re not experimental any longer,” Oppedisano said.But although Medical advancements have improved the amount and shelf life of donated organs, there are still hurdles to the lifesaving process.The wait list for a kidney from a deceased donor is up to 10 years. According to the nonprofit Long Island TRIO, many patients who are on dialysis to treat kidney failure know the odds of surviving the wait are slim because the median survival time for patients on dialysis is five years.There are approximately 105,000 people waiting nationally for an organ transplant and there are currently 8,184 in New York state on the National Organ Transplant waitlist. Each year, thousands of people die while waiting for a transplant because a suitable donor cannot be found. Seventeen people die each day waiting for a transplant.Through the generosity of people like Glen Cove’s Pete Prudente, many lives like Schichtel’s are being saved. Prudente, a member of the Local Union 15, is a living donor.Prudente is known around the city as a man who gives his all for others. Whether distributing flowers on Mother’s Day, cooking meals for veterans or holding his regular blood drives, he has become the face of altruism in Glen Cove, an identity that was cemented when he donated a kidney to a stranger in 2019. Prudente was notified that the stranger’s daughter was so moved by his donation that she donated a kidney as well.Prudente recently celebrated his own milestone with the New York Blood center. He has donated platelets 75 times. Prudente said he plans to keep going and donate as much as he can.“If I can get part of myself to save someone’s life and it doesn’t affect my health that much, I’m willing and glad to do it,” he said.In September, Prudente was called by the blood center and asked to help a 13-year-old leukemia patient who needed white blood cells, a four-hour process that requires needles in both arms. He was asked to do the same for a 14-year-old boy in December.One of the biggest myths surrounding organ donation is about life after transplant for both the donor and receiver. Misconceptions like the need to survive on medicines post-surgery, loss of strength to support their family and sexual problems are why many people are hesitant to become living organ donors.“I try to advocate and let people know that it wasn’t painful. It didn’t affect my health at all. I’m going in the bathroom fine and I’m doing everything normally,” Prudente said.

Unrelated directed kidney donor in 2003, my recipient and I are well.
640 time blood and platelet donor since 1976 and still giving!
Elected to the OPTN/UNOS Boards of Directors & Executive, Kidney Transplantation, and Ad Hoc Public Solicitation of Organ Donors Committees, 2005-2011
Proud grandpa!