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Author Topic: January 2024 Living Organ Donor Anniversaries from our Calendar! Add yours!  (Read 6350 times)

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Happy 2024! While many are looking forward at this time, we take a moment to look back at the amazing acts of hope and love we have been part of in the past. Whether you’re celebrating an amazing anniversary filled with joy, or still grieving a loss, we’re here with you. Best wishes, all, for health and happiness in this year to come.

Forty-fourth anniversary:
Joan Ray donated a kidney to her brother on January 19th, 1980

Thirty-seventh anniversary:
Mike Rocheteau (since deceased) donated a kidney to his brother on January 8th, 1987

Twenty-ninth anniversary:
Wanda Christensen donated a kidney to her grandson, Damien Klemz, on January 5th, 1995
Darlene donated a kidney to her cousin, Yancy, on January 16th, 1995

Twenty-sixth anniversary:
Donna Lundberg donated a kidney to her mother on January 11th, 1998

Twenty-fifth anniversary:
Pat McDonough donated a kidney to her brother on January 13th, 1999

Twenty-fourth anniversary:
Cynthia Goldner donated a kidney to her cousin, Sukie Miller, on January 5th, 2000
Candice Ellington donated part of her liver to her husband on January 10th, 2000
Charity Wells donated a kidney to her sister, Carrie, on January 11th, 2000
Naomi donated a kidney to a coworker on January 31st, 2000

Twenty-third anniversary:
Catherine Cullen donated a kidney to her mother (since deceased) on January 4th, 2001
Thomas Busch donated a kidney to his former girlfriend, Dawn Meschi, on January 10th, 2001
Carol Meyer and her husband donated lung lobes to their daughter (since deceased) on January 16th, 2001
Carolyn Miller donated a kidney to her husband on January 31st, 2001

Twenty-second anniversary:
Aileen Sperber donated a kidney to her husband on January 3rd, 2002
Michael Hurewitz (deceased in the peri-operative period) donated part of his liver to his brother on January 13th, 2002
Nathan Bishop donated part of his liver to his brother-in-law's brother on January 25th, 2002
Ray Madden donated a kidney to his wife on January 29th, 2002

Twenty-first anniversary:
Gina donated a kidney to her brother-in-law on January 7th, 2003
David Harper donated a kidney to a stranger on January 8th, 2003
Brenda donated a kidney to her father on January 10th, 2003
Aya Manalo Hufana donated a kidney to her sister on January 11th, 2003
Lisa L Henderson donated a kidney to an unrelated person on January 26th, 2003

Twentieth anniversary:
Jodi Phelan donated part of her liver to her daughter on January 5th, 2004
Regan M Gamble donated a kidney to her mother, Danielle, on January 14th, 2004
Jason York donated part of his liver to the daughter of an alumnus from his high school on January 17th, 2004
Luke donated a kidney to his best friend on January 21st, 2004

Ninteenth anniversary:
Dawn donated a kidney to an unrelated person (since deceased) on January 6th, 2005
Bob Bucsh donated a kidney to his sister on January 12th, 2005
Taj "T-Bone" Hudson donated a kidney to a friend on January 12th, 2005
Amanda Zoneraich donated a kidney to her father on January 25th, 2005
Barb donated a kidney to an unrelated recipient on January 25th, 2005

Eighteenth anniversary:
Nancy Ferrauilo donated a kidney to her husband on January 5th, 2006
Carin O'Brien donated a kidney to her father on January 25th, 2006

Seventeenth anniversary:
Kebra donated a kidney to her husband on January 2nd, 2007
Jaime Burhite donated a kidney to her older brother, Jason, on January 4th, 2007
Cynthia Tindongan donated a kidney to a stranger on January 10th, 2007
Jeff Eddy donated a kidney to his father on January 16th, 2007
Patrice Smith donated a kidney to Jenna Franks, an unrelated person found on LDO, on January 16th, 2007.
Erica Gomez donated a kidney to her father on January 18th, 2007
Bassy Gottesman donated a kidney to her husband, Yehuda, on January 23rd, 2007
Frances Byrdin donated a kidney to her father on January 23rd, 2007
Kevin Kenney donated a kidney to a friend on January 24th, 2007
John Dennis donated a kidney to his father on January 25th, 2007
Adrienne P. donated a kidney to a stranger on January 29th, 2007

Sixteenth anniversary:
Sara Kaiser donated part of her liver to an 18 month old stranger on January 4th, 2008
Evan Brooks donated a kidney to his brother, Jim, on January 8th, 2008
Nancy McAbee donated a kidney to her brother, Dan Williams, on January 8th, 2008
Audrey donated a kidney to her husband's cousin on January 10th, 2008
Elizabeth Samstag donated a part of her liver to her friend, Dan Zenger, on January 17th, 2008
Kelly Harris donated a kidney to Greg on January 18th, 2008
April Zona Garcia donated a kidney to her mother, Gloria Tompkins, on January 31st, 2008

Fifteenth anniversary:
Janet Hinson donated a kidney to her brother on January 8th, 2009
Miriam donated a kidney to her long time friend, Bob, on January 9th, 2009
Teri Garber George donated a kidney to her boss of 20 years on January 9th, 2009
Laura Rivas donated a kidney to her best friend, Victor Rodriguez, on January 15th, 2009. She's sad he didn't survive to celebrate their first kidneyversary, but glad she tried to help.
Janet Hurley donated a kidney to her adult child on January 22nd, 2009
Celia donated a kidney to her uncle on January 26th, 2009
Teresa Wharton donated her left kidney to her Dad on January 28th, 2009
Kimberly Johnson donated a kidney, the first woman to do so vaginally, to her niece, Jennifer Gilbert, on January 29th, 2009
Lisa Poulsen donated a kidney to her step-dad on January 30th, 2009

Fourteenth anniversary:
Becky Sullivan made a non-directed kidney donation on January 6th, 2010
Craig Stieben donated a kidney to his girlfriend on January 7th, 2010
Bonnie Parr donated a kidney to her brother, Wayne Sheets, on January 8th, 2010
Laura Linton donated a kidney to her sister, Tina Sammon, on January 15th, 2010
John Galvin donated a kidney to his best friend on January 19th, 2010
Sandy Picanzo donated a kidney to her sister, Joan, on January 26th, 2010
Tina DelGuidice donated a kidney to an unrelated person, Edward J. Guenkel, on January 28th, 2010

Thirteenth anniversary:
Christine Archer donated a kidney to her great uncle, Arnold Strong, on January 11th, 2011
Morgan Davis became a kidney donor on January 11th, 2011
Paul Carlson donated a kidney to his sister, Barbara West, on January 24th, 2011

Twelfth anniversary:
Karen L Michul donated a kidney to her friend, Matthew Jones, on January 9th, 2012
Sharon Irey donated a kidney to her son, William, on January 18th, 2012
Kelly Gray Kablick donated part of her liver to her Mom on January 24th, 2012

Eleventh anniversary:
Marisa de la Garza donated a kidney to her mother, Silvia de la Garza Bassett, on January 9th, 2013
Stephanie DuBose Reeves donated a kidney to her best friend on January 9th, 2013
James Franks donated a kidney to Melinda Cagle Sanders, a school friend, on January 17th, 2013
Renae Myers Waters donated a kidney to her husband on January 22nd, 2013
Rosie Mariani donated akidney to her best friend, Tammy, on January 31st, 2013

Tenth anniversary:
Debbi Stapleton donated a kidney to Olga Gauthier on January 6th, 2014
Zoe McKeith donated a kidney to her mother-in-law, Kim Causer, on January 7th, 2014
Denise Hunter donated a kidney to her friend's nephew, Conley Tucker, on January 10th, 2014
Jennifer Sutton donated a kidney to her friend, Angela Braga, on January 10th, 2014
Howard Lobel donated a kidney to his cousin, Stevi Paul, on January 14th, 2014

Ninth anniversary:
Joshua Wise donated a kidney to his friend, Stephen Johns, on January 8th, 2015
Joann Nolan donated a kidney to her father, Virgil, on January, 9th, 2015
Deanah Weigelt-Genuario donated a kidney to her aunt, Peggyann Street, on January 20th, 2015
Debbie Vitatoe donated a kidney to her son, Toby, on January 21st, 2015

Sixth anniversary:
Nadia Brown donated a kidney to her father, Timothy Brown, on January 22nd 2018

Fourth anniversary:
Ivana Berrera donated part of her liver to her mother, Edna, on January 14th, 2020
Unrelated directed kidney donor in 2003, recipient and I both well.
626 time blood and platelet donor since 1976 and still giving!
Elected to the OPTN/UNOS Boards of Directors & Executive, Kidney Transplantation, and Ad Hoc Public Solicitation of Organ Donors Committees, 2005-2011
Proud grandpa!


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