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Author Topic: Anyone know of a list of psychotherapists who work with donation issues?  (Read 4912 times)

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Offline youkali7

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I ask because I am a psychotherapist in the Bay Area with a new private practice and also a living kidney donor (I donated my kidney two years ago to a loved one and we're both doing great!) I had someone contact me for therapy who has kidney issues and has been looking high and low for a therapist who understands this. This person found me from an article that was in our local newspaper around the time of the transplant. This got me thinking...is there a list out there somewhere that people can access for therapists who work with this? Both for people who may need a transplant or those considering living donation? I know that something like this would have been very helpful for me when I was going through the process of being a donor myself. This site was very, very helpful but something face to face would have been good, too.
I am also considering starting some support groups as well in the Bay Area for these issues. Again, this is something I could have used and at the time couldn't find anything.
Any knowledge  or guidance people have about this much appreciated!

Offline Fr Pat

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    I don't have any answer for you, but I can suggest that possibly you might find some guidance on this at the "Transplant Recipients International Organization" ("TRIO") at their site www.trioweb.org or at the National Kidney Foundation www.kidney.org
      best wishes,
          Fr. Pat

Offline PastorJeff

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Since you are in the bay area like me, you might contact UCSF.  I imagine the psychiatrist that was involved in my work-up and is routinely involved in evaluations for potential donors could address that.  She spent an hour with me and a half hour with my wife. 


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