Organ Donations Worthwhile
To the Editor:
Re “Why People Don’t Donate Their Kidneys” (Sunday Review, May 4):
Sally Satel argues that we should compensate kidney donors because other methods for obtaining enough kidneys to meet the needs of patients will not work. But one other method is possible that she does not discuss: using organ exchanges.
The writer is a professor of psychiatry and director of the Masters of Bioethics Program at Columbia University.
To the Editor:
As a kidney recipient, I barely knew my altruistic donor, a 49-year-old woman. She said she did it because she could!
I, too, believe that donors should be financially compensated. It is definitely a financial burden on the donor. If you’re working, you take many days off as vacation or sick leave to complete the rigorous requirements needed by the hospital. My donor spent four days in the hospital and two weeks recuperating.
Westfield, N.J.
To the Editor:
Sally Satel is quite correct to identify the problem of organ donation as a lack of incentives, but we need to remove financial disincentives for the poor and the middle class — the ones more likely to die waiting for a kidney — before we start creating incentives for those who are already advantaged by the system.
Stop Organ Trafficking Now!
To the Editor:
Sally Satel is right in advocating for providing financial incentives to potential kidney donors. We clearly need more donors, and incentives work. I donated one of my kidneys last year, to a person I do not know, and with no compensation other than a tremendous sense of satisfaction.
Charlestown, R.I.