So, I got the impression that the whole donation journey tended to be long and drawn out. I guess that is not the case at my center!
We confirmed my husband's blood type late last week; I told the transplant coordinator on Friday that we wanted me to be tested first. She fedexed the 24-hr urine kit and I called when I received it. They scheduled CT, chest X-ray, labs, EKG, and meetings with the social worker, transplant coordinator, and dietician for next Wednesday, Sept 24th! So, I spent most of yesterday in a little bit of a panic.
DH starts a new job on Monday, so one of my friends will hopefully be able to go with me to the hospital (I kind of hate hospitals). Lined up a babysitter. Haven't decided yet whether to leave the baby with the babysitter or bring him along (my friend would help with him if I brought him along). It would be a really long time away from him since he doesn't take bottles very well, but at least he loves food.
As far as I knew, the transplant timeline was next spring, so I am not sure if something has changed? Maybe they are just super efficient. I tried scrolling through the reams of transplant buddies on here, but couldn't even begin to pick one out. Too bad you can't sort by "dealt with family drama." :-) Anyway, freaking out just a little because it is starting to feel real! And the family is being weird and indifferent, so that is throwing me off, too.
Ultimately, I really really would like for me to be the one to donate instead of my husband, so please pray that I pass all their tests with flying colors! I have always had perfect lab results, blood pressure, etc. I do have some extra baby weight, but I am already down 10 from when I filled out the forms, so I expect it to go well!
P.s. I follow the FB page but my recipient joined it too, so I don't feel like I can post over there. :-(