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Author Topic: Anniversaries memorialized on our Living Donors Online calendar for July 2024!  (Read 5148 times)

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Anniversaries memorialized on our Living Donors Online calendar for July 2024!

Ranging from Barbara more than fifty years ago, to Tom, another of the Fabulous Falseys, to the tragic loss of Patti twenty years ago, this month we have so many to remember, as we do every month. Where are you now? What is your experience 10, 20, 50 years on? We all would appreciate knowing more.

Find all these and more at https://livingdonorsonline.org/donor-experiences/donation-anniversaries/. Add yours if you wish!

Please post anniversary messages to all on our LDO message board or our LDO Facebook group page. Thank you!

Best wishes all!

Fifty-first anniversary:
Barbara Outz Johnson donated a kidney to her brother on July 5th, 1973

Forty-seventh anniversary:
Kathleen Mahoney donated a kidney to her brother when she was 20 and he was 14, on July 11th, 1977

Thirty-fourth anniversary:
Joan Schurman donated a kidney to her son on July 8th, 1990

Twenty-ninth anniversary:
Mare Medernach donated a kidney to her brother, Mark, on July 19th, 1995

Twenty-eighth anniversary:
David Scott donated a kidney to his sister, Gail Haisley, on July 10th, 1996

Twenty-fourth anniversary:
Laura Hawes donated part of her liver to her mother on July 25th, 2000

Twenty-third anniversary:
Jenny Lee donated a kidney to her daughter on July 9th, 2001
Lisa Steele donated a kidney to an unrelated recipient on July 12th, 2001
Stephanie Ritchon donated a kidney to her sister on July 16th, 2001

Twenty-second anniversary:
Jess Coleman donated part of his liver to his wife on July 3rd, 2002
Gerda A. Coakley donated a kidney to her brother on July 10th, 2002
Margaret donated part of her liver to her mother on July 12th, 2002
Michaela Robertson donated a kidney to her father, Calder Robertson, on July 16th, 2002
Ted Whitehead donated part of his liver to his brother on July 19th, 2002
Julie Michaels donated a kidney to a friend on July 24th, 2002
Tim Hurley donated a kidney to his son on July 24th, 2002

Twenty-first anniversary:
Steven Seidner donated a kidney to his father on July 8th, 2003
Tom Falsey donated a kidney to a stranger on July 15th, 2003
Patricia donated a kidney to a stranger on July 22nd, 2003
Zell Kravinsky donated a kidney to a stranger on July 22nd, 2003
Donna Vogelgesang donated a kidney to her father on July 30th, 2003
Karen Kennedy donated a kidney to her mother on July 30th, 2003
Linda Marshall donated a kidney to her mom on July 30th, 2003

Twentieth anniversary:
Gary W. donated a kidney to his father on July 7th, 2004
Lisa Quinn donated a kidney to her mother-in-law on July 7th, 2004
Susan Kuhn donated a kidney to her husband on July 9th, 2004
Kimberly Moity donated a kidney to her husband on July 13th, 2004
Mike donated a kidney to his uncle on July 20th, 2004
Barbara Romine donated a kidney to her daughter on July 28th, 2004
Sherry donated a kidney to her husband on July 28th, 2004
Patti McRoberts, a living kidney donor to her husband on July 31st, 2000, never woke up, and died on July 29th, 2004

Seventeenth anniversary:
Irismer donated a kidney to her cousin on July 2nd, 2007
Kevin Vericker donated a kidney to his brother on July 5th, 2007
Ellen Sweeney donated part of her liver to her sister, Susan, on July 12th, 2007
Tristan Smith donated a kidney to his 11 year old cousin on July 12th, 2007
Tanya Moder donated a kidney to a stranger on July 17th, 2007
Charissa Cook donated a kidney to her father, Joseph DiBeneditto, on July 18th, 2007
Matt Jones donated a kidney to an unrelated person on July 18th, 2007
Laurie Fosburg Carlo donated a kidney to her sister-in-law on July 20th, 2007
Joyce Hennes donated a kidney to a friend on July 24th, 2007

Sixteenth anniversary:
Marilyn (Moe) Shea donated a part of her liver to her employer on July 1st, 2008
Breann Dobben donated a kidney to her boyfriend on July 7th, 2008
Jonas Read donated a kidney to his childhood friend, Austin Pierce, on July 31st, 2008

Fifteenth anniversary:
Anne Caldwell donated a kidney to a friend from church on July 7th, 2009
Jody Clement donated a kidney to her best friend, Faye, on July 8th, 2009
Macey Leigh donated a kidney to her cousin, Marc, on July 10th, 2009
Cathy Hopkins donated a kidney to her uncle on July 16th, 2009
Jordan Brough donated a kidney to a stranger (and then friend) on July 16th, 2009
Laurie Stuart donated a kidney to her ex-husband, Paul, on July 22nd, 2009

Fourteenth anniversary:
Nicki Hayes became a non-directed kidney donor on July 13th, 2010
Rasula Rashid donated a kidney to her daughter, Firoza, on July 13th, 2010
Tom O'Driscoll donated a kidney to Carolyn Branson, suggested by Chaya Lipschutz, on July 23rd, 2010
Nina Brown donated 60% of her liver to her sister-in-law's best friend, Lynn Deal, on July 15th, 2010
Dawn made a non-directed kidney donation on July 26th, 2010
Betty (Bryant) Shelton made a non-directed kidney donation on July 27th, 2010
Sara Guzman donated a kidney to her husband, Julian, on July 27th, 2010, after he received a liver transplant. He died on November 1st, 2010 due to other complications.
Jeanne Blackburn donated a kidney to an unidentified unrelated person on July 28th, 2010

Thirteenth anniversary:
Jeremy Hunsicker donated a kidney to his sister, Naomi Schlaner, on July 7th, 2011
Rebecca Kelley donated a kidney to her ex-husband, Frank, on July 7th, 2011
David Frazier donated a kidney to his co-worker, Kristen Adams, on July 12th, 2011
Donna Reed Foster donated a kidney to Kerry Anthony Conrad, no relation, on July 13th, 2011
Patrick Liam O'Connor donated a kidney to his uncle, Francis Nolan, on July 14th, 2011
Julie donated a kidney to her adopted sister on July 15th, 2011
Leticia Rodriguez donated a kidney to her friend, Elizabeth Lopez, on July 20th, 2011
John Milligan donated a kidney to his wife, Jane, on July 22nd, 2011

Twelfth anniversary:
Robin donated a kidney to Toby, her son, on July 5th, 2012
Shelli Hudson-Altringer donated a kidney to her brother, Jim Hudson, on July 17th, 2012
Annie Wright donated a kidney to a co-worker as part of a chain on July 19th, 2012

Eleventh anniversary:
Peggy Williams donated a kidney to an unrelated person on July 3rd, 2013
Maurice Bryant donated a kidney to his father, Alvin, on July 9th, 2013
Nancy B Ross donated a kidney on July 10th, 2013
Jessica Kuhn donated a kidney on July 30th, 2013
Sharon Topai donated a kidney to a dear friend on July 31st, 2013

Tenth anniversary:
Shipra Singh donated a kidney to his mother, Santosh Singh, on July 7th, 2014
Lynn Bakiares donated a kidney to her husband, Jeffrey, on July 9th, 2014
Randy Browder donated a kidney to his friend, Ronnie Scott, on July 10th, 2014
Ashley Hoyng donated a kidney to an unrelated person on July 22nd, 2014
Yanira Santos donated a kidney to her mother, Carmen Urena, on July 22nd, 2014
Susan Clark donated a kidney to an unrelated person, Yennifer Guitterez, on July 24th, 2014
Unrelated directed kidney donor in 2003, recipient and I both are well.
629 time blood and platelet donor since 1976 and still giving!
Elected to the OPTN/UNOS Boards of Directors & Executive, Kidney Transplantation, and Ad Hoc Public Solicitation of Organ Donors Committees, 2005-2011
Proud grandpa!


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