If you're interested, take a look at the site usage statistics available via the link at the bottom of the main forum page. We've experienced significant usage change this year. It's been more than this full calendar year since we tightened our content policies to exclude appeals for recipients, presumed to be primarily from criminal brokers, trimmed our seeking a donor posts to just the past 12 months, and trimmed our menbership to just those who've ever posted and those who've never posted but at least have logged in during the past 12 months. Simultaneously, we closed an old Facebook group and opened a new one.
Readership is stable here at about 1.3 million pages viewed for the year, but new memberships are down 50% over last year, as are new original posts and replies. Contrast this with the growth of the Facebook site, with more than twice as many members as we have now, and in which there are many more daily original posts and replies. Personally, I find the breadth and depth of both original posts and replies inferior on Facebook. I don't find it fosters thoughtful, caring, crafted writing, but quick responsiveness.
Despite this apparent devaluation of our service, I still propose to serve our core audience, those considering becoming living organ donors, those who have, or have not, succeeded in becoming donors, would be recipients, successful recipients, and all these folks' family and friends. We also recognize transplant professionals, the media, and the general public are part of our audience. If the majority of these diverse people find the Facebook group more to their taste, we'll continue to moderate it within the limited possible means provided by Facebook.
If you want to get more deeply into a topic with thoughtful correspondents devoted to living donor well being, there is no better resource anywhere than right here. Just remember, a lot more unregistered guests are reading the boards they can see now. Just log out and you'll see what they can see. If there's demand, we can create more private forums. This hasn't proven popular in the past, but this is just a reminder we can if folks are interested in that.
Best wishes for a great new year in 2016, all!