Rita’s Story
February 11, 2003 I donated an incompatible kidney to my husband, Andrew. That’s right- a totally incompatible kidney (both blood type and cross match). The operation was performed by Dr. Lloyd Ratner at Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
It really took no time for me to decide to donate a kidney to my husband, Andrew. When you love someone as much as I do, it becomes natural to do whatever it takes to help your loved one feel better. One of the reasons I fell in love with Andrew was his outgoing personality and positive outlook. Andrew’s failing health started to adversely affect his activities and overall outlook on life. I wanted to do “something.”
In order to qualify for the ABO-incompatible transplant, I had to undergo numerous tests. They included x-rays, electrocardiogram, urine and blood tests, CT scans as well as a psychological evaluation. It was rigorous, but not invasive.
These tests can take months to complete. Since time was critical, I completed the battery of tests in two weeks. I was gratified and excited to receive the call on New Year’s Eve that we were accepted into Jefferson Hospital’s ABO-incompatible program.
The laparoscopic procedure to remove my kidney was minimally invasive, relatively painless, and left only a small faded three inch bikini scar. I was discharged from the hospital within four days and well enough to drive and perform routine activities within two weeks.
Thousands of people are waiting for a kidney transplant. ABO-Incompatible surgery expands the chance of donating a kidney to a non-blood relative, spouse or friend. The truth is- if everyone knew the ease and satisfaction of donating a kidney, more transplants could occur and more lives would be saved.
Rita Weber
Director of Marketing & Sales
Vital Computer Resources, Inc.
900 S. Broad Street
Trenton, NJ 08611
Phone: 609.392.6655