Kidney Donation Experiences
- Rich Ostry‘s story of living kidney donation to his wife.
- Amy’s living kidney donation and her experience with post-donation pregnancy.
- Debbie’s living kidney donation to her sister and their post-op complications.
- Kelly’s anonymous kidney donation to a stranger.
- Karl’s donation to his cousin.
- Marcia’s donation to her brother.
- Angie’s living kidney donation to her brother.
- Shelly’s web site about her living kidney donation to her son, Bryan.
- Molly’s story of kidney donation to her long-time friend.
- Ellen’s donation to her trainer.
- Cathy’s donation to her friend’s husband.
- Rhoda’s donation to her husband.
- Mary donated to her brother.
- Norm’s kidney donation to his friend…after a chance encounter.
- Father Pat’s non-directed (anonymous) donation.
- Tim’s “Three Weeks”—his living kidney donation to his son.
- Janice’s birthday present to her husband…a kidney!
- Steve’s kidney donation journal.
- Patricia donates to a stranger.
- Ginger donates to her dad.
- A Newsweek “My Turn” article about John Hodges and his living kidney donation to a stranger.
- Sam’s living kidney donation experience two years later.
- Parmjit’s donation to her husband.
- John Martin, a transplant recipient, tells his story, including the donation from his dad.
- Rita’s story about her ABO-incompatible donation to her husband.
- Kelly’s donation to a friend.
- Vic’s donation to Sue in Western Australia.
- Sonja’s donation to a coworker’s husband.
- Jan’s donation to her toddler.
- Jenny’s altruistic donation in Canada to someone she met on Living Donors Online.
- Katie’s donation to her mom.
- Ngarie’s story, “No Strings Attached,” about her donation to her brother.
- Guy’s story, “El-Chupacabras Kidney.”
- A newspaper article on Twauna’s unrelated donation.
- Article from NYU Physician magazine of Amy’s donation to her sister, Kim. (A PDF file.)
- Susan’s “joyously given gift” to Juli. (A PDF file.)
- Heather’s donation to her diabetic mother.
- Steve’s story of kidney donation to a stranger.
- Yolanda’s donation to her twin sister.
- Kristen’s recognition as a bone marrow and kidney donor.
- When a selfless act became a stimulating example: William L. Willard Sr.’s attempted living kidney donation from his son.
- Donation to Father-in-law.
- Christi describes her donation to an acquaintance from church (requires Microsoft Word).
- PRW donates through Matchingdonors.
- Dennis L. Otter: No Greater Experience
- Sandro’s donation in 1993.
- Kate, a twin sister’s donation – reflections after my twin’s death
- Amanda’s donation to her father.
- Scott’s amazing story of recovery and redemption: You Saved My Life!
- Kevin’s donation to his wife’s friend.
- Robert Devine shares his living kidney donation to his sister on his blog.
- Trapper’s story of donating to a friend.
- Suzanne donates to a person at her temple.
- Julie’s kidney donation to a boy she read about in the newspaper.
- Tristan’s kidney donation to his cousin.
- Honey donated to her long-time friend.
- Joel donated to his wife Karen as a Valentine’s Day gift.
- Lee’s donation to her brother-in-law.
- Debbie donates to her husband.
- Richard’s donation to his ex-wife.
- Cindy’s donation to her mother-in-law.
- Diane’s donation to her husband.
- Chad’s non-directed living donation.
- Aurea’s donation to her step-father.
- Steve and his brother.
- Anna and Nicole’s blog: one kidney’s journey.
- Chuck’s donation to a church member-friend.
- Mark donates to his brother.
- Linda’s donation as part of a six-way kidney exchange.
- “Best-est” friends Stella and Terrie share their adventure, and a kidney
- Melissa’s blog about her donation to someone she connected with through LDO.
- Wayne’s blog about his anonymous donation experience.
- Audrey’s donation to her cousin’s husband.
- Patrice and her sister.
- Brooke’s donation and blog link.
- My sister saved my life when i was trying to save hers.
- Lissette’s paired donation experience.
- Peggy donates to a church friend.
- Giving the Gift, by Amanda Smith
- A newspaper article about Stephie’s gift to her father.
- Marie donates to a parish member.
- Donating to my father-in-law.
- Sarah describes her donation journey in this PDF file captured from her blog.
- Liam and the lighter side of donating.
- Michael Polodny shares the content from his kidney donation blog.
- Lisa’s post-donation challenges.
- A blog about George’s journey toward a nondirected altruistic kidney donation.
- Keith’s donation to his brother.
- Vesper’s blog about participating in the paired donation network after her mother’s kidney failure.
- Hitting the Genetic Jackpot: Giving My Son a Kidney.
- Laura’s donation of her right kidney to her husband’s sister.
- Lee Adams wrote a book about her experiences called “Donor Girl.”
- Dennis donates at age 67.
- Cara’s domino donation
- A blog about one person’s road to anonymous donation.
- Elaine on managing post-operative pain.
- Nicholle’s paired exchange donation.
- Janine Marquardson, Mrs. International 2010 and living donor, is spending her year educating others on the importance of organ donation.
- Samantha’s living kidney donation experience and her YouTube video.
- Pearl describes her donation to her brother in the UK.
- Diane’s blog about her anonymous donation in the UK.
- Thea’s blog about her experience as a unrelated directed living kidney donor.
- David’s donation to a friend from church.
- Lauren’s blog about her journey as an anonymous donor.
- Kim’s donation to her friend.
- Donna prepares to donate to her husband.
- Transatlantic donation story between friends. Website also provides general transplant information.
- Reflections of a living kidney donor.
- Tara donates to her brother.
- Bob’s anonymous donation in Canada.
- Anne’s blog about her kidney donation.
- Tori shares her donation stories–one before and one after.
- Jennifer’s blog about her kidney donation to her step-dad and her life since then.
- Elizabeth blogs about her experiences donating a kidney to her husand.
- Ray blogs about becoming a nondirected kidney donor.
- Sharon blogs about her kidney donation: Part I, Part II.
- Debra describes her anonymous donation experience.
- Jennifer’s donation in the pre-Internet era.
- Laura’s blog about her “awesome experience as a kidney donor.”
- News video about Connie Rim’s “kidney chain” donation (links may expire): here and here.
- Blog–two guys, one kidney:
- My donation story: Lorri Silk
- About Melanie’s kidney donation, on YouTube
- Joe’s, “A Living Story,” about his donation to his father.
- From Michelle: here is the link to a blog on my experience as a live kidney donor to a friend. It only touches the surface. Along the way I reached out to someone who was a kidney donor. It helped me in my process and I hope to be able to do the same for others! This experience has changed my life!!! I told Lance (my recipient) that I got just as much out of it as he did!!!! I have signed up to be an Ambassador for Donate Life and am looking for any opportunity to continue to spread the word, educate people, and help make a difference. “Choose Life” – My surgery was on Aug. 2, 2013.
- Mark donates to his neighbor.
- “It’s hard to start a letter like this.”
- A “bad ass” donates to his girlfriend via paired exchange.
- Mary offers some tips for future donors.
- Here is a video about Lisa’s kidney donation.
- David writes about life after donation.
- “Diary of a Kidney Donor,” a blog on donation before and after the transplant.
- Becky describes the emergency that occurred during her donation surgery.
- Bobbie’s donation to her mother in 1979.
- Born Wisdom: How Donating My Kidney Led to the Group U2 & Apple Saving My Life
- Ryan donates to his mom.
- Catherine describes donating a kidney to her PKD sister.
- Jaime shares the experience of donating to brother on this blog.
- Helene describes her anonymous kidney donation.
- Tracy donates to her best friend.
- A living donor with complications and no help from the hospital.
- A Living Kidney Donor’s Story: Andy shares his donation experience from 40 years ago.
- A video produced by Einstein Healthcare Network on Maureen’s donation to her husband, Dan.
- “Never Too Old”: the story of an anonymous donation.
- Dorothy’s donation to her cousin.
- Sanyaolu of Nigeria donates to his brother.
- Clare’s blog about her donation to her son.
- Joe Johnson’s miracle gift to a stranger: article and video.
- Susan Fox’s blog on her donation to a stranger.
- Christie’s March 4, 2022 journal entry recalling her kidney donation.
- Dennis Terry’s story of donating to his son (video).